Chapter 4-Alex

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"Now, may I ask you what your name is?" Jasper looks at me.

"No, you may not." Jasper raises an eyebrow at me.

"You know what? I really don't get you." 

"Yeah, well you've only known me for about 30 seconds, so it's not surprising." I roll my eyes.

"Well, you're not making it easy for me to see who you are." He looks down at his watch, "And I've actually known you for 35 seconds to be exact." He smiles. Not only is his face perfect, but so are his teeth. 

"Oh my god, does it freakin' matter how long I've known you for? The point is I have a little trouble trusting someone who comes in and tells me his my knight in shining armour." I give him a dirty look. Jasper turns to Carter.

"Am I allowed to ask what your name is? Or are questions now considered a crime?" I cross my arms. Who does this guy think he is? 

"Sure. My name is Carter and the grump is Alex. Don't mind her, she's always like this, has been since we were two."

"Hi Carter, hi Alex. It is nice to meet. I'd like to talk for longer but I'm afraid my father will be back at any moment." Jasper sneaks a glance over his shoulder.

"Your father!" I look up from the ground. "Your father is professor Hilamatus?" I turn to Carter. "There is no way we can trust him." I turn back to Jasper. "You phony! Get yet annoying body away from me." Jasper laughs.

"I am glad that you find me charming Alex."

"Argh!" I cross my arms and roll my eyes.

"Alex, where have your manners gone." Carter scolds.

"I never had any idiot." Carter glares at me and then smiles at Jasper.

"As I've said, excuse her." Jasper flashes me a goofy smile.

"Oh I don't mind her too much." My face burns. Am I flushing? I am pretty sure that my face is now a noticeable crimson. Why the heck am I flushing? I just met this guy. I sneak a glance at Jasper. Is he flushing? What if he's.... oh. He's looking at Carter. Why am I so freakin' stupid sometimes? Of course he's looking at Carter. Perfect Carter. That smile was not supposed to be for me. 

"Look, how can I trust you?" I ask to break the silence.

"Well, let me put it this way. If you don't, you're doomed. if you take the risk, you might actually have a chance at least." I sigh. Okay, maybe he has a point.

"Alright prince charming, what the hell are you waiting for?"

"Nothing, my damsels in distress." With that he jumps to the the ropes that bind Carter. He cuts them and holds out his hand. Carter grabs it and he pulls her up. He then comes over to me and cuts my ropes. Jasper holds out his hand.

"Get off me." I turn away and get up myself. 

" Sir, yes sir!" He gives me another goofy smile.

"What way do we go," Carter asks.

"This way." Jasper points down a long corridor. 

"Well, let's go." Jasper nods at me and we begin to walk.

 I can't help but look up at Jasper every now and again. I guess I just can't believe how gorgeous he is....and extremely annoying. "Look," I tease, "I bet we aren't the first damsels that you have saved. You probably make us all feel amazing and then turn your back and hand us over to your father."

"I must admit you guys are the first patients I have attempted to even approach." He suddenly looks embarrassed or kind of ashamed. He should be.

"Why?" Carter asks before I can say anything.

"I don't know, I guess my father intimidates me. I don't like to interrupt."

"Well, you annoy the crap out of me, I think you're kind of a self absorbed coward and I don't like you or your father. I guess you have something in common." I try to find his reaction. Nothing but one of his famous smiles.

"Well, I kind of think you're rude, relatively pretty when you're not rolling your eyes, which isn't very often, and I do like you." I roll my eyes.

"Rack off, flattering will get you nowhere so shut your pie hole." He laughs silently to himself.

"Aren't you just the most delightful soul."

"I said..."

"Alex, shut up. God you really can be annoying sometimes." Carter shakes her head.

"Look who's taking!"I throw my arms out and accidentally whack Jasper in the face. A slight groan escapes from his mouth. He tentatively rubs his cheek."Oh toughen up princess! You're supposed to be our knight in shining armor! At the moment you're acting more like..." A noise cuts me off. A very small noise. Jasper puts his finger to his lip. It sounds like a small sigh. "What.." Jasper throws his hand over my mouth. I bite down hard on his finger. He attempts to hold in all sound but a small, high-pitched squeal escapes from his lips. He glares at me. I return his look with the dirtiest stare I can muster. He just ignores me. He puts his arm around my shoulder and gently turns me around. I give him a hard nudge in the chest and am about to knee him in the groin when I see what he is looking at. I stop. Lying on a bench similar to the one I was on about ten minutes ago is the most perfect looking human being I have ever seen. Even more perfect than Carter. She has a white sheet draped around her bare, spotless skin. She has blond hair and a fair complexion. As I look closer I see that she has full lips, soft, rosy red cheeks and long eyelashes.  Jasper lets me go and walks over to the monitor beside the girl. I follow him. Jasper clicks something and a photo pops up on the screen. A photo of a plump, freckle faced girl with flaming red hair and green eyes. A name pops up below. Billy Hays. Jasper clicks something else and a new name and photo pop up. The name Juliet and a photo of the girl lying down on the bench.

"Jasper?" I whisper, totally bewildered. Jasper runs a hand through his hair. "Jasper, who are these girls?"

"Not girls Alex, girl." I raise my eyebrows.

"You don't mean that they..."

"Yes Alex. Billy Hays is Juliet, Juliet is Billy Hays. She's only been through the physical stage. On the inside, she's Billy, whereas on the outside, she's Juliet." Carter grabs my hand. I would usually flick her off, but not this time.

"Jasper," my voice catches a little. "Can we help her?"

"Well I can't reverse the first part of the procedure, but I can stop the second one from happening." Jasper takes a deep breath and then moves over to the girl. He picks her up and slings her over his shoulder as is she is lighter than a feather. "Alex. She is still Billy in her mind. Don't ever mention the name Juliet."

"Why?" I ask.

"Just do what I tell you." Jasper goes to turn around but freezes. "Shit."

"Oh look who's taking now. Not little Mr Perfect are...." He turns to face me. His eyes are full of fear. "What, what's wrong?" He looks as if he is on the verge of tears.

"My father. He's back." 

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