Chapter 5-Alex

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"Jasper...Jasper." I whisper as he storms ahead fast in front of me. "Jasper? Where are we going?" Silence. "Bloody hell talk to me!" I whisper shout and grab his shoulder. He jerks my hand off and continues to walk. "Argghh!" I forget to keep quiet this time. Carter slaps me hard over the face. 

"Alex, shut  up." A slight gasp escapes from my mouth. 

" God Carter, you slap like freakin' girl." Jasper slaps me this time. 

"Hey, that hurt." I rub my cheek. Jasper smirks.

"Toughen up princess." I go to slap him but he ducks. I pull my arm back and narrow my eyes, lash out my leg and kick him in the groin. I don't miss this time.

"Argh....I take back what I said about liking you. I hate you." He falls to his knees. It's my turn to smirk now. Carter pushes past me and takes Juliet from his arms. She slings her onto her back and then continues to strut off. Jasper slips from his knees onto his stomach. And groans.

"Jasper, this proves my point. You are the biggest coward I have ever met." Jasper groans into the carpet, face down. I sigh and pull him to his feet. His face is still twisted in pain. "Wussy. Get us out of here before I hit you again."

"Such a lady aren't you." He raises an eyebrow.

"Well you're not much of a knight in shining armour either."

"Who's getting you out of here?" He points to himself and flashes me a cheeky grin. "This guy." He's crossed the line  I go to slap him again but Carter catches my hand.

"Give it a break Alex." She glares at me.


"No, I said enough." 

"Who do you think you..."

"Do as you're told and shut up! God, you're so immature." Carter shakes her head.

"No, I hate how you always treat me as if you're better than me. You're not! Your a damn right pain in the backside and you're not my guardian! Back off and leave me alone." I glance at Jasper, "both of you." With that I turn and run. Run as fast as my pathetic legs can take me. I hate Carter and I hate Jasper. I know that Carter is probably rolling her eyes right now or flirting with Jasper, reminding him how stupid I am. Jasper will be laughing or using another one of his amazing smiles I can guarantee. I have no idea where I'm going, just that I am getting away from those two. I should be worried about who I might run into, but I'm not. I don't take notice of which direction I'm going. After a while, my body can take it no longer. I collapse in a heap and burst into silent tears. 

What feels like hours later, my stomach is aching and I have run out of tears. I fall asleep.


A gentle swaying wakes me.

"What the?" I twist my head around. A tall young man is carrying me. I bloody annoying and gorgeous man.

"Put me down or I'll....I'll...."my hands and feet are bound. "I' you!"

"So you're a vampire now? Would explain your lack of feelings. My groin is still aching like hell." I bite into his neck. "Alex, ah, stop! You're tickling me!" I release an angry groan and decide to headbutt him. It only results in a minor egg on my forehead. "Alex, I'm not going to hurt you. I've been looking everywhere for you. Scared the crap out of me you did. I'd love to continue this pleasant conversation but my father probably has realized that you are missing by now."

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