Chapter 2 Part 1

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Thank you so much for everyone who read the last chapter, the comments really helped motivate me! As always feedback is encouraged and story suggestions are welcome. I don't own Yu Gi Oh! or any of its characters. Sorry for any grammatical errors.

Some important information for this chapter though, I am aware that there are different names for lunch breaks around the world. In this I refer to the first lunch as 'Recess' and the second lunch is just called 'lunch'.

Hope you enjoy! :)


When Yugi finally remembered that he had to get home he said goodbye to Anzu and entered his grandpa's shop, "Hi Grandpa, I'm home!" His voice resonated off the welcoming walls and he heard his grandpa give a short, "Ho ho," from the kitchen. Yugi followed the voice, but was tackled and forced into a hug by his surprisingly energetic grandpa. "G-grandpa, breathing!" he gasped as Sugoroku continued to hug the breath out of him. Smiling, he decided to let go, leaving a thoroughly confused Yugi gasping for air. When he finally regained his composure he looked quizzically at his grandpa, "What was that for?"

Sugoroku looked back innocently, eyes shining cheekily, "What was what for?" Yugi sighed impatiently and crossed his arms, "That massive tackle of a hug," Yugi watched cautiously as his grandpa's smile widened, almost splitting his face in half, he was worried now, "Granndddppaaaa?" He asked again, "what did you do?" Yugi watched carefully as his grandpa's eyes quickly flicked to look in the direction of Yugi's room. Yugi's eyes widened when he realised what his grandpa had done. Oh no! He couldn't have! He wouldn't dare! Yugi bounded up the stairs, skipping every second step, despite his short legs. He threw open the door to his room and groaned.

His once messy room was now spotless. His clothes folded neatly, his books actually on the shelves and worse of all, his bed was made. Yugi sighed, he liked having a messy room. The little dance he'd have to do to get where he wanted, careful to not step on his precious belongings. He being the only one to know where particular objects were placed (or thrown). Even though it may not have looked like it to others, everything had a place, an intricate pattern of possessions. All coming together like the pieces of a puzzle. His Grandpa knew this, that's why he enjoyed tidying it, just to mess with Yugi's 'system'. He smiled softly. As cheeky as his grandpas was, Yugi loved him. And he had to admit, it was kind of nice to be able to walk to his bed without tripping over something, but that was beside the point.

Yugi let his school bag slide off his shoulders, his back revelling at the absence of the weight of many books. Belly flopping onto his bed Yugi sighed, again. He felt the softness of the mattress and the blankets welcome him, surrounding him in cocoon of safety. As he allowed his body to rest, his mind was busy; whirring with thoughts about the play, and with thoughts about Yami. Yugi honestly had no idea what to think about Yami. There was something about him that nagged at the back of Yugi's mind. Something warm, something trusting, but there was also something dark. Before he could put too much thought into it, his eyelids fell like a sheet over his amethyst orbs, smothering his thoughts with a black veil.


Yugi sat in his class, staring out the window. He knew that he should probably be paying attention, but watching the grass grow was far more interesting. As the teacher droned on and on, and the class slept or texted about nothing in particular, Yugi twirled a pen in his fingers and allowed his thoughts to wander. They wandered towards the conversation he had yesterday with Yami, they wandered towards the slight nervousness he felt as he was walking to school this morning, and they wandered towards the disappointment he felt when Yami didn't show up at Recess. Honestly! I said he could hang out with me because he said that his other 'friends' would beat him up otherwise. But he doesn't even show up!? Yugi huffed in annoyance, his fingers twirling the pen even faster. Is the idea of hanging out with me really that repulsive? Suddenly his pen decide to leap from his grip and fly half way across the room. It dropped to the ground with a surprisingly loud clatter. Great. The whole room fell silent as everyone turned to look at Yugi. He felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment and looked down towards his desk. Lunch can't come any faster can it?!

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