Chapter 3

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Over 200 reads, that's amazing you guys! Now I know that the last chapter wasn't really the best, but it was important for the plot, so thanks for sticking with me through that. :) I want to ask you guy's opinion, should I make the chapters shorter, and give them titles? Would it help? Any way, as all ways, constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome and encouraged. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. I don't own Yugioh, only the plot. This chapter is back to Yugi's perspective so, enjoy. :)


"You don't understand," Yami growled, "you're nothing but a lame excuse of a friend. You mean nothing to me! I was better off before." Yugi flinched at his words. He looked up at the thunderous face that belonged to Yami. The flaming, ruby eyes that once held warmth were cold and angry. Yugi's mind swam with words that he could use, but none made it as far as his tongue. His whole form deflated in defeat. He could feel Yami's gaze upon him as he hung his head. So close...

A wave of sound erupted all around him. Cheers and congratulations and the occasional 'whoop'. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up at Yami's proud smile, "We nearly got through the whole scene this time Yugi." His face was close, really close, too close. Yugi could feel his stomach give an uncomfortable lurch at his proximity. All he could do was give a weak smile, "Sorry for stuffing it, I forgot my line..." Mr Kumo, who had managed to silently pry his way through the crowd, cut him off. "You two are definitely something, I'll give you that," his whispery voice cut through the chatter of the others, bringing silence upon the group, " I am glad that at least some of you have bothered to practice." He glared out at the other students, steel eyes jumping from face to face. This man is great at making people feel uncomfortable."Yugi Mutou and Yami here, have gotten the main roles for a reason. And we have just witnessed that reason. Acting. It is not something that can be learnt over night. Now, off with you, today's rehearsal is over." He watched the students force their way out of the hall, standing as still as stone all the while. Yugi tore his eyes away to find that Yami and Anzu were nearly out the door. He quickly thanked Mr Kumo and ran after them.

"You're an amazing actor Yami! I never would have guessed." Yugi laughed quietly at Yami's awkward reactions to Anzu's praise. He had to get in on this, "I have to agree with Anzu," he mocked, running up to his side, "you make a superb actor and a fine pharaoh." He caught a quick glimpse of Yami's surprise before his head was tackled into a hug. He could feel Yami's breath next his ear, "And what my little servant says must be true." He spoke softly and regally, the way he did when he was acting as pharaoh. Yugi shivered slightly at his tone. I hate it when he does that. It caused his stomach to preform bellyflops and his face to heat up. Yami stood again, chuckling at Yugi's flustered expression. Yugi smiled too, taking in every aspect of Yami's cheerful form. The way his eyes glimmered, the smoothness of his skin, the ease at which his smile fell into place.

Over the past couple of weeks, they really had grown close. He marvelled at how quickly Yami had changed. What used to be tentative smiles were now full blown grins. What used to be careful complements was now friendly teasing. Yugi too had changed and he didn't know if it was good or bad. When ever he was in Yami's presence he felt weird. It wasn't a bad weird, it's just that he hadn't ever felt that way before. His stomach fluttered like a swarm of butterflies. His face, he could tell, heated like a volcano. His heart started beating to unnatural rhythms and his palms decided to become swimming pools. At first he had thought that he was allergic to Yami or something, but when they were apart it felt as though someone had stabbed him in the gut. He didn't want to tell Ryou or Anzu, and he definitely did not want to tell Yami. He had just learnt to accept it. The one thing that he couldn't ignore though, was how images of Yami seemed to make their way into his mind at the most inconvenient times. Doing your homework, oh look, Yami and his smile. That gorgeous, mysterious smile. The fact that Yami seemed to be a 'physical' kind of friend, didn't really help. Whenever he bumped, grabbed, tackled, hugged, pulled or even brushed against Yugi, it sent lightning bolts through his system. This feeling puzzled Yugi, but he had learned to live with it.

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