Chapter 2

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The morning came and Ingrid, feeling as if her world was crumbling, crept into her coffin and closed the lid.

Being in the red, velvet body case that her dad had just given her added to the guilt she was already feeling.

They had been so kind her her and she was about to betray them.

Ingrid tried to eliminate these thoughts from her head, she imagined seeing Will again. She would see Will again. They would leave Garside Grange, grow old together; if vampires could grow old.

She smiled as her mind drifted off to sleep.

Four days.

Ingrid woke, for a moment she'd forgotten of what was troubling her. Then as if a stake had hit her, she remebered.

"Four days, then Will," she reassured herself. But she had to take her brother to the council.

Take him there, to get staked, to get back the man who should be dust. Betrayal. Deceit.

Evil... she'd be returning to her previous trait. The one which she'd sworn never to return to.

But she had to. He would be hurt either way. And at least, if Ingrid did her job, she would get someone in return. To fill the gap, to complete her unlife.

Ingrid desperately shook the bad thoughts from her mind yet again, although as much as she tried the good thoughts just wouldn't take control. As she walked down the hall to have her morning drink of blood, she felt tears staining her cheeks.

Ingrid didn't want to sit at the dining table with her family that morning, not when she ws going to do what she was. She couldn't look at them anymore.

Hearing the Count's bellowing laughter made her smile, just for a moment, then more tears streamed down the sides of her face.


She ducked into a corner closet as she approached the dining room door, and she sat in the closet. Crying.

"Where's Ingrid?" she could hear her dad saying, "Go find her, Vladdy."

No, he couldnt. She trained to contain her tears and she cupped her hand over her mouth so her sobs couldn't be heard.

"Ingrid," the words came into her head, "Ingrid? Come out, come out..."

She tried to block her brother's telepathy link. He must have thought she was playing a game. She couldn't stand it, not when she was about to get him staked.

Ingrid heard footsteps outside the closet; getting closer and closer. The closet door slowly creaked open and Vlad stood before her, worry on his face.

"Ingrid, what's wrong?" He said softly, "Why are you crying?"

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