Chapter 9 (Pt2)

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Vlad turned his head, he had been lost in the moment of his perfect family.

"Wolfie?" Vlad said as he saw Wolfie running right past them. He stopped in his tracks.

"Hi Vlad. Hi Erin. Hi baby," Wolfie said, "Wait, you have a baby?"

Vlad lifted up Artur, "Yeh, come say hi."

Wolfie sat next to Vlad and the baby was put on his lap.

"He likes you," Erin said. Artur was playing with Wolfie's shirt.

"He's cute," Wolfie grinned, "Where's Uncle Count?"

"Can't say I know, he could have gone anywhere, "Vlad sighed.

"I feel like Im going to change, so I'm going inside," Wolfie said, handing Artur back to Vlad.

"We'll come with you," Erin said.

They all got up and walked back down the road, into the cottage.

On the door there was a note, "Seriously? Erin moaned, "No one saw this before?"

Vlad ripped it off the door and read it, "Gone to Garside. Danger. Be back for breakfast. -Count"

"You're kidding me," Erin said.

"Maybe he sensed that Ms McAuly was in danger or something, that can happen," Vlad explained.

"Or maybe it has something to do with all the vampires I saw there," Wolfie said softly.

Vlad gently handed Artur to Erin and he ten knelt down, facing Wolfie, "Wolfie, what did you see?"

"There were lots of angry vampires. They yelled at me to go away, so I did. They were biting all the breathers," Wolfie played with his fingers.

"This is bad," Vlad said, "Ingrid! Will!"

Ingrid and Will appeared.

"Why so gloomy?" Ingrid asked, smiling.

"Dad's at Garside Grange," Vlad looked at Wolfie, "Tell them everything. I'll try an contact Uncle Count."

Wolfie nodded as Vlad walked into the other room.

Erin went into the only empty room, the bathroom, to feed Artur and let the others talk.

Her baby looked so innocent, yet all this was going on.

"Dad!" Vlad shouted telepathically.

"Vladdy! What is it?" The Count replied.

"Wolfie told me what's going on, are you okay?"

"Hmm, well I've got hoards of vampires raiding my cellar if you call that okay. And Ms McAuly is now a half fang, thanks to the friends of the dusted council members."

Vlad could hear the sad tone in his father's voice, "Im sorry. Well, bring her here or something. Does she hate you?"

"No, luckily she was quite upset with me when I left without a note. So there is still a chance," he said, "And right, I'll get there as soon as I can."

"Alright. Don't get yourself staked," Vlad told his father.

"Why would I do that? Now off you go," The Count broke the telepathy link.

"So Wolfie," Ingrid said, "Are the vampires after us?"

"No. They are just angry at you. So they're destroying your home I guess."

"Oh, alright," it wasn't her home anymore, but she couldn't say that.

Vlad walked in, Erin also arrived back.

"Is he okay?" Ingrid asked her brother.

Vlad nodded, "Yes, he'll be back soon, with Ms McAuly."

"This cottage isn't big enough for /us/ let alone another, where will we base ourselves?" Will said.

Erin's throat swelled up, she owned a house with enough room. She could go back there, for her family, "We could stay at the townhouse, there's three bedrooms."

Vlad squeezed her hand, "Thankyou. Let's go now, we'll leave a very large note on the door for dad."

They packed their things and sped to the townhouse, Wolfie scouted ahead, sniffing for danger, but everything was fine.

They dumped all their stuff in the living room.

"Okay, three rooms. Erin, Artur and I. Wolfie, Ingrid and Will. Dad and Ms McAuly. Any objections?" Vlad got straight to the point. No one objected, "Erin, could you give us a tour?"


For a townhouse, it was pretty awesome. Vlad figured Malik and Erin must have hypnotised the salesmen into giving them a pretty good discount.

There was the kitchen, living room, bedrooms, two bathrooms, a dining room and a small study.

They got their rooms decked out to their requirements, Wolfie wanted a large dog basket. This slightly disturbed Ingrid, but she didn't say anything.

It was lunch time when they'd finished.

"Okay, lets sleep. At nightfall The Count will be back, and we won't be getting any rest when he does," Erin said.

"What does that mean?" Vlad asked.

"It means he'll have a lot to say about the situation at Garside."

"And his blood cellar."

Erin looked at Vlad in confusion.

"Nevermind. Sweet dreams everyone."

They all went into their rooms and got some much needed rest.

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