Chapter 3

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Vlad walked outside in the morning, the sun warmed him up instantly, and the best part was that it didn't hurt. He saw a pair of butterflies, which he hadnt seen for years.

"Come here," he playfully said to them.

And they did. The two butterflies flew onto his shoulder.

"Funny..." He had an idea. He handn't tried before, because he'd thought it was hopeless. But maybe. Vlad got into the speeding stance and imagined himself speeding over to a nearby tree. He was at the tree in a second. He had sped, yet he was a breather.

He clicked his fingers and all the leaves on the tree instantly fell into piles on the ground.

He made a throwing gesture with his arm and a fireball flew out of his hand, landing in a puddle on the road.

Vlad was ecstatic, he still had his powers.

Was it because he was the chosen one? He had assumed that the title would have been taken away from him when he'd turned breather, but maybe not.

Perhaps there was still a chance, maybe be could fix this.

He thought of Ingrid and Will, they were in the outskirts of the city, not in walking distance, and if any they only had a few coins.

He wondered if he was powerful enough to speed multiple people at once.

Then Vlad had an idea... Erin. His first bite, she was probably just as powerful. If he was lucky enough, she might also still have some powers.

He walked back inside and upstairs.

Erin was playing with Artur. She was the happiest that Vlad had seen her. She was a breather again, a mum and she had Vlad. Why wouldn't she be happy?

She smiled and made Artur wave when she saw him.

Vlad smiled back, "Try to make the toy car move."

"That's easy," she looked at him confused and moved the car along the floor with her hand. Artur tried to grab for it every now and then.

"No, without hands," Vlad instructed.

"I'm a breather now, no powers."

"No, I still have powers!" He sat down beside her and made the car move, "Now it's your turn."

"Vlad," she didn't want to try, "This is silly. You're the chosen one, I was just a half fang."

"Please try... really try," he begged her.

She looked at his face, no one could resist Vlad when he begged, "Alright..." She imagined the toy car's wheels spinning, and they did. It zoomed across the room.

"I did it..." Erin's face said that she wasn't all that pleased.

"No, it's a good thing."


"Well Ingrid and Will wont have their powers. They'll need help. And Wolfie..."

Erin took Vlad's hand, "I'm sorry about your dad."

"It's done now. At least it would've been quick."

The room was filled with sadness for a moment, but that changed when the toy car slowly began to move back to them.

It was Artur, he was copying his parents, he still had his powers.

"We've still got our little whiz kid," Vlad smiled at Artur, who giggled in reply.


The moon slowly set, Ingrid was standing at the window as it did so. She already missed flying by it. But that was life, she had to let go.

Will put his hand on her shoulder, "Never thought I'd miss being a bat."

She laughed slightly, "Strange isn't it,"

Wolfie was awake now, he felt at home, he was over the events of the previous night.

"Can I come?" He asked.

Ingrid and Will turned their heads away from the window to look at him.

"Come where?" Ingrid asked.

"To see Vlad, Erin and Artur!" Wolfie replied, happily.

"How did you know we were going there?" Will asked.

"You guys were talking about it before," He grinned.

"You cheeky thing!" Ingrid laughed.

"Sure you can come," Will said, "But we'll have to walk a bit of the way.

"I could turn into a dog!" Wolfie was very pleased with himself, "I taught myself how to change without a full moon!"

"How clever!" Ingrid ruffled up his hair.

"I'm just a clever kind of person!"

Laughter filled the room.

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