The Reunion

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I bite my lip as I wedge my chair under the door knob. What I am about to do is going to get me in so much trouble, but I don't care. I slip over to my open window, glancing back to the door. He will find out when I don't come down for dinner and he will be mad but I don't care. One leg, then the other. A pain shoots up my body as I drop to the floor, my hands scraping against the floor, creating some skin to peel back. My eyes dart up before at the window to the room father is currently occupying with his work, a frown on his face as he reads the news paper erudite has released against him. The first was the day after choosing ceremony, wondering why the oldest of Marcus eaton's children became a faction transfer. Soon, erudite began to make up stories and dig even more into our personal lives.

I quickly stand begin to walk, smiling and nodding at the abnegation that pass by. I've read a few newspapers that have even published and they haven't been good. They pick at everything in abnegation. Every aspect at what is wrong and blow it up. Especially about tobias leaving for dauntless. It hurts slightly at what they are doing, this is the place where I was raised and they are turning it into trash. They even created rumours that Marcus drove Tobias away. But only one stood out to me. little do they know, that rumour is true.

I catch the bus to the dauntless compound main entrance, standing the entire time, making my legs ache. Some people stare, mostly erudite, at why a 15 year old abnegation is on her own on a bus, but I ignore them. Once I get to my destination, I watch as other families from multiple factions enter the compound, erudite, amity and candor. But I'm the only abnegation. Of course, tobias is the only abnegation-dauntless transfer for over a decade, abnegation are normally a 'loyal' faction. I follow everyone in, my eyes darting around as people greet their families. Chatter fills the compound as I look. The compound is a pit under ground, a large chasm is to my right, the ceiling is glass, letting natural light in. People push past me trying to get to loved ones as I scan the crowd for tobias. I continue to look until I forced to the side of the pit. A sigh escapes my lips as I look down. I don't think he is here. Knowing what erudite put in the papers. No one would be willing to help me out, especially if I'm Marcus Eaton's daughter.

My eyes dart around for tobias again, through the sea of blue, yellow, red, black and white. All families greeting their children, seeing how they are doing, if they are going to pass imitation. Maybe he has changed and I can't recognise him. He may have tattoos or piercings, he could have grown his hair longer.

"You lost stiff?" A hard voice comes from next to me and my head snaps in the direction of a tall dauntless, his eyebrow pierced, tattoos going up his neck and both his ears pierced. But that's not what scares me, it's the coldness in his eyes.

"Well? Can't you speak?" He snaps and I quickly snap from my gaze of this person.

"I'm looking for my brother, his name is tobias, do you know him?" I ask as I glance to my hands before back at him, regaining my courage. A smirk spreads on his lips as something flashes across his eyes that I don't understand.

"Yeah, of corse I know Toby. He's a friend of mine in initiation." He cross his arms and something screams at me to just run, also, that he is lying.

"Do you know where he is?" I ask, deciding to just go with it, If this dauntless can lead me to tobias.

"Yeah, follow me." His gaze stays on me, a little longer then needed making me uncomfortable before leading me away from where everyone is.

"You know, your brother is 1st in ranking." The dauntless states as we walk around winding corridors; if he wasn't with me, id be lost. Wait, rankings? They are getting ranked? And tobias is first?

"Really?" I ask, hoping it's a good thing to be ranked first.

"Yep, and he is an amazing fighter. Can beat anyone." He explains and I feel my face pale. Tobias has been fighting? It's hard to register that my brother has been hurting people and having himself harmed here, just for initiation. I don't responded to him as we come to a big room full of fighting equipment. It's not as big as the main meeting area for dauntless, but seems bigger then the choosing ceremony room. A fighting ring is near the end, targets are to my left while guns are to my right. I gulp at the sight of them as the dauntless leads me to some punching bags. The sound of skin hitting something rings in my ears and I flinch each time.

"Four!" I frown as the dauntless calls out to the person punching the bag. My eyes scan him, he is muscular, hair slightly shaggy but still short and I see the top of black ink twisting around the collar of his shirt. He stops punching.

"What do you want Eric?" 'Four' groans in annoyance. That voice. My eyes widen as my heart thuds.

"T-tobias?" I stutter, stepping forward. His eyes snap to mine. Them deep blue eyes.

"Faye?" He asks as if unsure if I'm actually here, so I nod and a smile pulls on his lips. With one fluid movement, I am scooped up in his arms as I hug him tight my feet leaving ground as he lifts me. He smells of blood sweat and dirt but I don't care.

"What are you doing here?" Tobias asks as he finally puts me down, but he keeps his hands on my shoulders. He has changed so much from the last time I saw him, his body is still tall and lean but he has muscles covering his arms and chest, making him broader.

"Do you really have to ask? It's visiting day!" I say as tears fill my eyes, just taking in the appearance of my brother.  Just to know he is here and okay, that I can see him again.

"I thought you wouldn't come." He admits an I know the hidden words behind the ones he just said. I thought dad wouldn't let you. I sigh as I pull him into another hug, going onto my tip toes.

"I had to come. No matter what the cost was." I whisper as he hugs me tighter. The air is squeezed from my lungs at the strength but I don't care. A cough rings from behind us and we pull apart to see the dauntless boy.

"Thank you." I say with a smile and he give and one of his own back.

"Anything for tobias and his family." He replies but I can recognise there are hidden words behind them. Tobias tenses next to me.

"I'm Eric by the way, I don't think I got to tell you that." My eyes glance to tobias before back at him.

"Faye. And if you don't mind, could I have some private time with my brother?" I ask, wanting to be alone with tobias. Eric nods, a smirk gracing his lips.

"Of course." With that, he turns and leaves. Tobias pulls me back into a hug as a few tears slip down my face.

"I've missed you." I whisper into his chest.

"I've missed you too."

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