The Choice

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I stare as the amity calls up the first name, the first person to choose. My ears ring as I watch one after the other choose their fait. It's seems fitting that pain should follow me from my old life into my new one, with the knife digging into my palm. Still, even this morning, I didn't know which fact in I would choose as a haven.

"Reyes, Nica."

The ceremony moves to fast for my liking as the dark skinned girl dress in amity yellow chooses Candor.

I know what happens in candor's initiation. I heard whispers about it in school a few times. There, I would have to expose every secret, everything. I would have to spill everything about myself to join Candor. No... I can't do that. I can't let anyone know except tobias.

I think of his name as the next person choose erudite.

I can't go into erudite. It isn't possible. I am to violent, to emotional for a place like that. I can't learn quick enough. It would strangle me, and I want to be free, not to be shuffles into yet another prison. But that it's the only problem from stopping me going into erudite... Im dyslexic.. My mind scrambles every word up so most of it is impossible to read. I would become factionless.

"Lucas, Rebekah."

I watch as an abnegation girl steps forward, her hair in right blonde knot. Her face is bare of make up and I notice a few spots scattered across her skin making a flew flaws. With make up, she would just be as beautiful as any girl that accepts vanity. But vanity is against abnegation's rules, it's considers as self indulgent.

Rebekah Lucas accepts the knife with shaking hands and sits her bowl, letting the blood drop into the abnegation bowl. It's easy for her. She doesn't have anything to run from, just a welcoming, kind community to rejoin. And besides, no one from abnegation has transferred... Tobias was the first one in years. It's the most loyal faction, in terms of the choosing ceremony statistics.

"Emmerson, Robin."

The amity next to me walks down the aisle but I don't pay attention as my heart best floods my ears, making it near to impossible to hear. My mind flashes back to when tobias was called... He didn't look nervous, he looked calm but I could see through that. Tobias... His name sounds like peace it sounds like home.

"Eaton, Faye." My eyes snap as I feel my body go weak. I walk down the aisle towards the bowls, my hands still gripping my shirt and I can feel my nails push into my skin through the fabric. The amity representative passes me the knife and I wrap my fingers around the handle with shaking hands. It's smooth and cool, the blade is cleans a new knife for each person, and a new choice.

As I walk to the centre my eyes find tori, the woman who administrated mine and tobias's aptitude tests. There's the name again as a ringing burns through my skull. As it rings clear, it's horn and a voice, shouting my name. I continue down, snapping my gaze from tori as I reach the bowls.

What choice can I live with? Not erudite, or Candor. not abnegation the place I am trying to get away from and I will not live factionless if I can help it. Not even amity where I am too broken to belong. But I want to cause as much pain, embarrassment and disappointment to Marcus eaton as he did to me: and there is only one option that can do that. There's only one place I could fit in.

I look up to him and he nods, and I cut deep in to my. Tears prick my eyes at the slight pain as I try To blink then away. His eyes are like mine, such a dark blue they always look black in light like this. My body itches against my clothes, reminding me of all my scars and bruises he gave me.

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