Chapter 1: A Letter About A Boy

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Dear Marnie,

Theres a new boy at my school, I guess the both of us are stuck in the same boat now. I was hoping that maybe I could become friends with him but I soon realised I couldn't. Remember that girl I told you about? I still don't know her name but according to school gossip and snippets of conversation I heard when I passed people in the hallways, she has claimed him as hers. Somehow she managed to take a look at his school profile and from what she's saying he must be some God. I'm waiting for the moment she realises he could be a total jerk but it may never come, since all she seems to care about is how good they would look together and stupid things like that. I hope she comes to realise that looks are only part of the picture when you are painting a portrait of love.

From your Dear Friend.


Walking into school that morning, my bag slung over my shoulder, I didn't know what to expect or really what to do. The school didn't seem that big from the outside but as soon as I had walked into the grounds I regretted thinking so. It seemed like within minutes the grounds were empty and it seemed more like a haunted house then the school grounds I had seen in the flyers.

It's stupid I know, but thinking about it now I was just the stereotypical new kid getting lost, in his new school just as soon as the bell had gone and on his first day too. Walking around I must have felt pretty stupid, I mean I didn't even know where the office was. I should have payed attention during the school tour they gave me and also kept that map.

Of course as soon as I turned the corner I ran into, you guessed it, a teacher. Whoop-di-doo. I wasn't too surprised when he yelled at me.

"Oi! what are you doing out of class? children these days, no respect for learning," he said his voice rising ever so slightly above what I guessed was his normal tone.

"I'm new..." I manage to say in-between his ramblings about kids being too involved in social media.

"Oh well thats okay then, right this way." He said his personality changing almost immediately.

I remember the long walk to his office, looking into each and every classroom that we passed I saw many faces and each one seemed to tell a different story. Brown eyes, green eyes, blue eyes they were all the same until I looked into a pair of eyes that seemed to me not to have a colour at all they were so dim and misted over with the swirling colour of grey fog that it was hard to determine what colour they actually were. Before I could get a better view however the teacher told me to hurry up and that he didn't have all day.

The rest of the day went smoothly enough. I didn't get lost after that since they decided it would be handy to give me a map. I smiled my way through the day, sat with a bunch of random people at lunch and did my work. It was as if I had never moved.

~Hey guys so this is my Un-Edited version of chapter 1! I would love to thank everyone that commented on the prologue and told me how to improve and what they thought of the book! It put such a big smile on my face ^-^ Also a big shoutout to lucygh12! for somehow recommending my book into a bookclub (I don't know how they work ^^" oops) She is such a great friend and you should go check her stories out!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will start to write the next one soon! Bye Poptarts~

Letters to Marnie {not edited} Where stories live. Discover now