Chapter 3: A Letter About A Friend

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Dear Marnie,

My best friend likes the new guy! How absurd is that? I can't believe Coraline could have fallen for a jerk like that? Didn't she remember that he had publicly humiliated me in front of the entire school? I guess not because all she could talk about was his hair and his eyes and his smile, oh his smile was one of Coraline's new favourite topics. If you were here I would have groaned out loud then sighed and most likely have banged my head against the table. I'm hoping that one day I'll come back here and there will be a message waiting for me, a letter from someone or maybe even from you. Beyond the grave or something weird and scary like that but for now all I can do is is write you these letters as if you were here beside me.

From your Dear Friend.


I've been cut off from most of the school since I did that. The only people I can hang out with is them, the group of kids that made me pour soup over a girl. No one will even look me in the eye, it's as if I'm a monster. I don't want to be seen as a monster to anyone but I guess it's too late for that.

I've tried to apologise to the girl a million times but she always ignored me, walked into the girls bathroom or just outright avoided me. Which was annoying and made it even harder for me. The guilt was building up inside of me and it was eating at me, I couldn't handle it and what made her avoiding me worse was that some people had started to call her soup girl.

Days flew by and those days turned into weeks and before I knew it I had been at this dreaded place for a month. A full month. I don't know whether that's an achievement or not to be honest. Jake's now my best friend and Steph, well Steph is interesting enough. She's pretty I'll give you that and she's extremely good at flirting but aside from that I don't know much about her at all. With her it's hard to get her to talk about herself it's all, nails, hair, shoes and gossip that sometimes I think I may turn into a girl.

I've met a few other people that are part of the so called group. There's Ryan, he's not too bad either, smart, sporty and apparently good looking according to steph. Ashlee or Ash for short is someone who takes jokes way too far with some people even threatening to punch her once they can't handle her scary sense of humour anymore. And last but not least, out of the people I know anyway, there is Codie. Codie is quiet and doesn't talk much so I don't know much about him. We've just sort of come to a mutual understanding and both have left it at that.

There is one thing that happened this month that I aught to tell you however. It's when I bumped into soup girls best friend.

I was walking down the hallways like I always do carrying my books in my bag. Staring off somewhere thinking about anything when I felt someone press into me for a split second before a crash and a loud ouch could be heard. Looking down I recognised the person as Cora, she had missed the bus a few days back but managed to catch up to it.

"I am so sorry!" I muttered as I bent down to help pick up her books.

" no it's my fault," she said attempting a small smile. I guess she was weary of me too then. She began to pick up her books as well and as if it was a romance movie our hands brushed over each other. She froze in place before pretending nothing happened. I didn't react, though I very well wanted to stop and stare at her but that would be rude. As we both stood up I have her her books back and asked her what class she was going to. Turns out she had English and since I was on my way to Chemistry I said I'd walk her there.

"My names Coraline by the way," she said breaking the silence.

"Nice to meet you Cora, I'm Lou." I said smiling at her.

The corridors were thinning out as students rushed into their classes. The silence grew between us. I saw Jake and Ryan up ahead and cursed a little under my breath. Don't worry I didn't say anything bad just a few dammit's and whatnot. Cora seemed to tense up though and I gave her a strange look as if to ask her if she was okay.

"Hey Lou my main man what are you doing walking with scum like her?" Jake shouted out laughing. Ryan just rolled his eyes, he could see where this was going. I didn't respond, I pretended I couldn't hear him.

"Lou I'm talking to you, I think now's the perfect time to teach her a lesson for hanging with the likes of us." Jake said his smile broadening.

We were only a few metres away from them both now. So in a desperate act not to have anymore guilt placed on my shoulders I said boldly, "Not today Jake, not today." I grabbed the end of Cora's sleeve and pulled her along rather quickly so we were past them. That was the first time I had ever defied them and I hope they didn't hate me for it, maybe they would call it a newbies mistake or something. At least I hope they would.

I said goodbye to Cora at her English class and made my way to chemistry where I could listen to Steph talk about herself. Oh joy. 

Letters to Marnie {not edited} Where stories live. Discover now