Chapter 2: A Letter About A Jerk

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Dear Marnie,

I knew he would be a jerk and I proved my point yesterday when I met him for the first time. I thought it was going to be a normal day where I would just walk to school maybe be pointed out for something that wasn't my fault. You know how it is but I guess I got my hopes up and it hurts. It hurts to know that even when you think someone can be good they can just betray you as if you meant nothing, but look who's talking...

From your Dear Friend.


"Bye Mum!" I yelled as I grabbed my bag and walked to the bus stop. My hand reached up to loosen the tie around my neck and I breathed out a long and well deserved sigh.

Mum had locked herself in her closet again, there was no getting her out of there once she was in. She really took a hit once dad left it just wasn't the same without him, she's currently working three part time jobs just to pay for the rent and the occasional food shop.Yes, I know. This sounds exactly like any book you would read. Dad missing, dead, gone and the Mum working more then one job to pay for rent. The thing is this isn't a book it isn't a novel that you can pick up and read light heartedly it's real life and sometimes I do wish it was a book because then I'd know everything would be okay in the end.

The bus jolted to a stop and my head tilted up to see over the seats in front of me. The stop was a couple of hundred metres behind us now and a girl stepped onto the bus before it started moving again, she was panting and looked out of breath. She must've been late for the bus and in an attempt to not be late try and catch up to it. Some of the kids at the front were laughing at her and whispering between themselves, I couldn't pick up what they were saying but it didn't seem to be something nice.

I tried to send her an apologetic smile but she never once looked at me and kept her gaze on the floor. Someone reached out and grabbed onto her wrist and immediately she flinched back.

"Cora, sheesh I didn't think I'd scare you that much." the person said dragging her into the empty seat next to them. The girl that had just got onto the bus, whos name I now knew, seemed relieved as she sat down next to what seemed to be her friend.

Skipping ahead to lunch now. Lunch was a weird affair for me, since I didn't really know anyone I didn't know where to sit. Looking around I felt sick, the cafeteria was so obviously decided up into sections. The people with the power sat on one side while the people who were to afraid to stop them sat on the other, I let out a long hard sigh for the one hundredth time today.

"Lou! Come sit over here," a voice called out to me, looking over I realised it was the girl from my chemistry class, she had long pale blonde hair and her eyes were a light shade of green. She was wearing makeup and clothes that shouldn't be worn to school of all places.

With no where else to go I headed over to her, there were some guys sitting with her and her friends. A mixed group, that was at least one good thing then.

"You should sit with us everyday," she said as she let a small giggle escape her lips.

"Yeah mate, we'd love to get to know more about you." a boy with shaggy black hair said, his hair was half hidden by a beanie and a grin was plastered onto his face.

Nodding slowly I smiled at them and went to take a seat when I heard laughter.

"It's not that easy, though we'd love for you to be a part of our little group you need to prove yourself worthy first." I didn't understand what beanie boy meant by worthy, as if reading my mind he pointed over to someone.

My breath drew in sharply as I recognised the face of the girl with the misty eyes, the ones that had been driving me crazy trying to read. "What about her..?" I whispered to him my voice rising a little.

He handed me a cup full of what seemed to be the soup the cafeteria was serving for lunch, "go bump into her by 'accident' and tip it over her." He put extra stress on the word accident.

Everyone was staring at me expecting me to move and do it, the pressure in the atmosphere was unbearable I felt as if I had no choice, I probably did if I had thought about it a bit longer. They may have still accepted me but being the idiot I am I made my way across the room towards her.

As soon as I was two feet away I got ready.

The heat of the cafeteria was closing in on me.

The eyes of the people at the table I had just left were trained on my back sending shivers down my spine.

I tried to sort my thoughts out before I got any closer.

I bumped into her and in an effort to hide it I 'accidentally' tipped the soup over her.

I stared at her in shock, her eyes seemed to show looks of...betrayal?

"I-I'm so sorry!" I managed to stutter out.

"leave it." she said her voice rising in humiliation and anger, her eyes glared daggers at me as she turned and stormed off.

I couldn't shake the look she had given me off as I made my way back to the destined table, I looked at beanie boy and he grinned.

"Welcome to the group mate, I'm Jake and this lovely young lady that invited you over is Steph." he said winking at steph making her roll her eyes and smile at him.

He pat my on the back, "You passed initiation."

Letters to Marnie {not edited} Where stories live. Discover now