Strawberry Frosting

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A/N So, as you may have guessed by the fact that i've taken down chapter two and this is a completely different chapter one, I am re-writing this story. It is going to be written nine or so months after Riley and Maya became pregnant, and I will also add flashbacks to certain milestones, such as finding out the genders etc. Anyway, this is how it's going to be set out.

This is a completely different chapter to the last one I took down, perhaps a little better.




The pained cry echoes through the Friar-Hart apartment, upon hearing it; a heavily pregnant Riley Matthews places down the piping bag she's using to squirt strawberry icing on a tray of cupcakes. The sixteen-year-old rushes as fast as her pregnant body can go from the kitchen and past un-loaded boxes- that Maya and Lucas still have yet to unpack- to where Maya is gripping onto a dining chair, still wrapped in plastic.

"What happened, are you okay?" Riley asks, frantically as she places a hand on her (also pregnant) best friend's back. Maya responds with a nod of her head, keeping her eyes clenched shut. "Do you need to go to the hospital?" Riley eventually asks, after a full two minutes of watching Maya writhe.

"'s just those...practice...contractions." Maya explains, between breaths.

Riley nods in understanding, and sets a hand on her own bump, thankful that her baby doesn't give her as much as a hard time as Maya's does, sure; Riley's experienced Braxton Hicks contractions before, but they're never as strong nor as long-lasting as what Maya goes through. Riley frowns, sympathetically. "She's really giving you a hard time, huh?"

A few seconds after Riley finishes speaking, the pain subsides and Maya slowly stands up straight, allowing her bump to stick out just as much as her best friend's does. "The kid is half-huckleberry, she's doing the doh-si-do in there." Maya half-jokes.

Riley laughs. "You wanna help decorate the rest of the cupcakes?"

"Sure, I can't promise you'll have any left after we're done, though." Maya grins, licking her lips in anticipation before following Riley into the kitchen. The brunette hands her best friend an extra piping bag, and Maya begins to fill it with the pink coloured icing Riley'd prepared.

"So," Riley begins, licking a blob of icing off her thumb. "Farkle and I have a predicament."

"Do tell." Encourages Maya, all of her attention on swirling the frosting on a cupcake.

"Well, last night we were talking about names. Farkle brought up the name Millie..."

"Millie Minkus?" Maya says, raising an eyebrow.

"Exactly, but it's the only name that I like, that he also likes."

"Why don't you just worry about naming her when you can actually look at her face and decide what name would suit her best? There's no point in picking out a name, and then when she gets here, deciding that you actually don't think she suits the name anymore."

Riley pulls her mouth to the side as she goes over Maya's thought, "maybe you're right."

"I'm always right Riles." Maya responds, before flicking a blob of frosting onto Riley's nose. She lets out a cry of protest, before doing the same to Maya.

"Well, this is the start of a very messy kitchen." Lucas comments, as he enters his kitchen to find Riley and Maya flicking chunks of frosting at each other. "Hey Penelope." He greets his girlfriend with, as she turns to face him.

"Mhmm." Maya laughs, rather sweetly. "Call me that again and i'll rip your tongue out through your nose."

"I love you too." Lucas replies, placing his hands on her hips before leaning in to kiss her.

At that moment, Riley puts down her piping bag and furrows her eyebrows as she ponders Maya's threat, "Is that even possible?"

"Oh it will be." The blonde mumbles onto her boyfriend's lips.

Riley awkwardly begins to finish off the cupcakes, behind the incredibly uncomfortable sight of her two friends fiercely making out. "Okay, I think that's enough." Riley tells them loudly, as if the couple has suddenly turned deaf.

Maya and Lucas are both laughing when they break apart from each other, Riley shivers uncomfortably as she pushes the finished cupcakes to one side. The Texan boy smiles, catching sight of the beautifully presented cupcakes, and he can't resist reaching over to taste one.

"Hey!" Riley whines, as Lucas enjoys her hard work.

"Mmm, you did a great job Riles, these are delicious." He compliments, as she glares at him; completely unimpressed.

"I better get going, Farkle will be wondering where I am." Riley announces, while heading out of the kitchen. Maya and Lucas follow behind as she grabs her jacket from the rack.

"Maya, make sure you call me if anything happens." Riley orders the rebellious blonde, as she zips her jacket along baby bump.

"Sure," Maya promises, "but only if you do the same."

"Of course," Riley smiles, opening up the door. "Were all in this together, right?"

Maya nods. "I'll see you later Riles."

"If anything happens." The brunette repeats, making sure her friend knows she's serious.

"If anything happens." Maya promises.

As their due dates have been getting closer and closer, tension has been building. It's taking it's tole on all four teenagers, as they anxiously wait the arrival of their kids. Coincidentally, both girls share the same due date, so everyone is curious to know who will go into labor first, and with that date just a few weeks away, the four youngsters have been rushing profusely to get all preparations to a T, with Maya and Lucas lagging behind since they'd gotten all emancipation documents sorted after Farkle and Riley had. Maya and Lucas still have enough time to unpack the rest of their stuff though, it's been over six weeks since they moved into their apartment together and they still have yet to put the crib together.

"So, anything new with Riley and Farkle?" Lucas asks, as he and Maya sink into the couch.

Maya shrugs her shoulders, and drapes her legs over her boyfriend's thighs. "Farkle wants to call the poor kid Millie."

He lets out a nasally snicker. "Millie Minkus?"

"Uh huh."

There's a long silence between the two, and as Maya closes her eyes to doze off, Lucas reaches over and grabs a book out of his backpack. "Speaking of names."

"Uh, I thought we agreed to think about this when she comes?" Maya groans, throwing her head back in frustration.

"I know, I just thought it'd be nice to look through it together." Lucas suggests, as he flicks through the pages of the naming book.

"Mm, maybe later. I'm starving."

"You wanna order pizza?" Lucas asks, with a knowing smirk.

"Adda boy!" Maya coos, prompting him to pull his phone from his pocket.

"Extra pepperoni."

"I know what to do."


So whaddya think? Any hate comments will be removed so I wouldn't waste your time on that. I hope you guys enjoyed, and i'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but i'm afraid school comes first.

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