Here We Go Again

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A/N I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I hope that's okay since I have a very exciting chapter for you!


"Ooh, look at those beautiful blue eyes!"

It's only been five hours since Nova was brought home from the hospital, and Riley can't seem to stay away from the Friar-Hart apartment. The brunette is smiling down at her best friend's newborn, captivated as the baby stirs quietly in her arms, emitting small whimpers. The expectant teenager holds Novalee Friar just above her baby bump, bouncing her soothingly in her arms. At the sound of Riley's voice, Maya emerges from the kitchen, with her second cup of coffee—in which she relies on to stay awake these days— and falls onto the couch opposite her friend.

"You know, still feel pregnant, I swear there's another one in here." Maya jokes, placing a hand to her post-pregnant belly.

"Well it is possible, my mom's friend had twins a couple years back. They're five days apart..." Riley explains, forcing herself to tear her eyes away from the baby in her arms.

"Oh god, Riles don't freak me out, I can barely handle this one." Maya warns, in lieu of sipping her coffee.

Riley giggles, "nah, two little Maya's running around this place? I don't think the world is that cruel."

"Hey," Maya retorts, laughing. The mom's eyes then land on her daughter when she hears her unsettled whimpers, and when Riley can't hush them, Maya sets her coffee aside and rises from her seat to scoop up her daughter. "Awh, did Riley insult you?" She coos rhetorically, holding the now screaming baby close to her chest.

"I didn't mean—" Riley begins, mortified.

"I know you didn't." Maya cuts her off, smiling as she presses a long kiss to Nova's blonde wisps, swaying gently from side to side with her.

Eventually, Nova's ear-splitting screams subside and her breathing evens out against Maya's chest. She kisses the infant's temple before lowering her into the cream coloured moses basket nearby. "Now," says Maya, once she has Nova situated. "You want some coffee, now that i'm standing up?"

Riley shakes her head no, "it won't agree with Violet."

"Of course it won't, god i'm so stupid." Maya mutters, suddenly feeling like bursting into tears, she hides her face from Riley's line of sight in hopes she won't notice.

"Hey, are you alright?" The brunette asks, noticing.

"Sorry," Maya says, "I'm making myself look like a basket-case." She blinks back her tears, before returning to her seat. Riley's face falls, and she scrambles out of her own seat on the couch to sit beside Maya on the one opposite.

"You only gave birth three days ago, your hormones are bound to be out-of-whack. Besides, it's only me, you can be as basket-casey as you want." She tells her, pulling her in for a hug.

Maya lets out a small laugh, before placing her head on Riley's shoulder, sitting close to each other just like they've done since they were five-years-old. "It's all so overwhelming Riles, it seems like only yesterday we were normal teenagers, just taking on the world..."

A faint smile tugs at the corners of Riley's mouth, "and we still are, we just have two extra little people to take on the world with." She explains.

At that moment, Lucas walks through the door wearing his movie theatre tux complimented by a name tag just over where his heart would be. Maya's exhausted face lights up, but before she can actually begin to think she's going to be able to get some shut eye, she is soon let down.

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