Ch 17

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Jack met up with me and we sat down and ate.

'Have you been crying?' He asked with concern.

'No, my eyes just rained.' I said sarcastically.

'What happened?' He asked.

I explained everything as I broke down crying.

'Kylie, I thinks its best that you get back with Johnson, he really cares for you..' Jack said while hugging me.

'but what he said...' I said whiling wiping my cheeks.

'he was drunk when he said it when he told me what had happened, he was crying so much,' He said as I thought.

'Jack I wanna move,' I said.

'alone?' He asked.

'yes i wanna be alone forever no boys no friends just me, myself, and i,' I said.

'as long as you promise to not do anything stupid.' He said.

'I promise,' I said, 'I will be picking my stuff up later from our house.'


I wrote a goodbye letter to Jack, my mom, and dad when getting my stuff from our house.

He tightly hugged me goodbye not knowing about the letter.


I got into my car and asked Siri.

'Where is the nearest cliff?' I asked while taking deep breathes.

'I have found a cliff not to far from you,' Siri said.

I clicked the directions.


I got out my car, and stood at the foot on the cliff while taking deep breathes.

'Goodbye world, I love you Jack, I love you Sammy, I love everyone,' I yelled while taking deeper breathes.

Then I jumped.


Jack G's P.O.V

I kept trying to call Kylie. No answer.

I called sammy and asked if he was with her, she wasn't.

Then I called, Cameron, no.

Then Jack j, no.

Then nash, no.

Then I called everyone else who had connections with her. No one knew.

I ran up to her room and saw a goodbye letter.

Dear Family,


This will be the last time who will be hearing from me. I can't live my life
anymore. I suffered depression, but I hid it. I cut, but you never knew it. Life is just to hard to life and I can't do it. So I am going to end my life. This is what I meant by moving, I wanted to move to Heaven. Goodbye and I love you all.

I love you.


I broke down crying. The first person I called was Sammy.

'Shes gone.' I said on the phone.

'Where?' He questioned.

'Heaven.' I said while crying more.

'What...' His tone softened.

'She wrote a letter for you,' I said.

'I'll be there in 5.' He said while hanging up.


Dear Samuel,

First of all I wanted to say, I love you,
always have and always will. You have done a lot to me in the past, but I over looked that. You made me happy. I was never happy. I always laugh, but am never actually happy. I suffered depression and still do. Well 'did'. I'm sorry Samuel, I can't live my life anymore. Just remember that, I always have and always will love you.



Sammy also broke down in tears.

Shes gone.



I'm sorry, I ended it so soon, but its done.

Should I write a squeal? idk.

Thank you for all the votes, reads, and comments. I love you guys 💓

Big thanks to grungecamzy for inspiring me to write this story. 💖
Ily izzy 💞

Adios amigos and amigirls.


Jack G's Little Sister (jack j and sammy fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora