Chapter 1: Hidden Secrets in Blood

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-High School-

Kitten has arrived at school, She did see her bullies so she dashed inside of the school before they would get to her, She started to detain classes. Her three classes are math, history, art and free period, she can already speaks English and Japanese, this is her third and last school year she's detaining, she been this high school for 3 years, she's going to collage for other 3 years, in next 8 days is her last day of school.

She has been bullied for 3 years because she's different but that never stop her for it. 

 -7 hours later-

Kitten now has free period, luckily her bullies don't have free period, She just hangs out, relaxed til man, in his 40's, came to her, holding letter with red (Blood) stains on it, very scared and pale.  

''What's wrong? What are you in a hurry?'' Kitten asked, the man said ''It's not about me and I don't have much time!'' almost out of breath, Kitten is concerned and asked ''Is everything okay?'' ''Something has came up at work, kid, I have 3 kids and wife at home, and I am not coming home for a while....'' the man replied as he gave the letter to Kitten. 

''I don't understand...'' Kitten said as she held the letter in her hand, Man then said ''I've been trying to warn you and this school before tomorrow, this entire school thinks am crazy! Tell your family to move out of this town as fast as you can, these people do NOT play nice.'' and ran away in a hurry with Kitten saying ''What people...?'' and then the school bell rung, everyone is now getting ready to go home, so she grabbed her jacket and her backpack, she walked outside, before she would get on the bus, a man came up behind and greeted her with a friendly hello.

Kitten gasped and turned around and sees him, she hidden the letter behind her. The man said ''Sorry for started you, It's just as I was looking for a friend of mine and he has a letter, do you know where he went?'' in a friendly tone.  

Kitten gotten suspicious on this man on the inside, Kitten had to thought up a lie and quick. 

 ''I'm sorry, no, I haven't.'' Kitten lied, Man then said ''Oh, too bad, I was been looking for him, But that's alright.''

Kitten felt even more suspicious, she felt uncomfortable around him as he shake hands with her, She then said ''I want to head home, I don't want to be late for the bus.''

 ''Oh, I guess all people want to take the bus home, I won't judge, Tomorrow is a special day and I don't want to tell anyone about this but principal agrees my idea of fun, Go now, I see you tomorrow.'' The man replied to her with a grin, She got on the bus and leaving the man behind.

''Now, time to find that man that has escape and betrayed. That girl has a brave face when I had to go to her and meet, hmm, I hope she'll bring a good fight on whats this school has tomorrow.'' The man thought as he disappeared into the crowd. 


-Kitten's House- 

Kitten has gone back home, she opened the door and greet her grandparents.

''Hello Kitten, How's school today.'' her grandfather asked, ''Well.'' Kitten replied as she walked into her room. 

She walked over to her bed and got out her teddy bear and hugged it, she placed it on her bed and looked at the letter that has been given to her, she opened it and read it, it read:

''You don't know me but I need to make this quick, I think I'm being watched in this company, I work for the company named "B.I.R.D.T.S" and That man, He call himself ''Gorge'', He hurting innocent people, turning them into monsters, killing them in every test, I can tell everything is about to go wrong tomorrow, tomorrow is Blood Animals' testing, their test is that their going outside in the camp in middle of the forest. I overheard him about bringing more test subjects from local high school as baits. I reacted scared to this news, Kids are now going to be killed in his hands! Dear God... What should I do? That's why I wrote this note to the one who is going to read my one last note and properly my one last thoughts I will ever have before I was going to be chase, captured and suffered the same fates as the test subjects, To the reader who is reading this right, A Student of that school or whatever, Kid, listen, you need to fight, hide, survive, investigate the company's darkest secrets and Please be careful or you will die in hands of those monsters, B.I.R.D.T.S's secrets NEEDS to BE exposed for the whole world to see! Please! or else the students are going to die if you don't do something about it!''  

Kitten is scared as she read the last part of the letter, She wasn't expect the unexpected.  

Kitten needs to go to sleep to shrug it off before tomorrow but first she put the note in her backpack for safe keeping, changed to her even attire and hold her teddy bear close to her and went to sleep with her eyes fluttered shut sweetly. 

To be continued.

Blood ForestTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon