Epilogue: Everyone must know

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Kitten walked to the Police Station, as she enters, every cop greeted her as a sole survivor of Blood Forest, their Chief walks up to her and said ''You must be Kitten, Thank the lord you survived those attacks.'' as he held his hand to shake, Kitten shakes it and said ''I know you want me to do an interview, then I'll tell you everything about what happened in that camp.''. Chief nodded and said ''Alright, this way miss.'' as he lead her to integration room.


-Integration Room-  

Kitten told them everything about what happened, Blood Animals, Gorge, B.I.R.D.T.S, murders and everything, She even showed evidence as prove in case they don't believe her. then officer said ''So, everything you said is true?'' Kitten then replied ''Yes, after that tragic experience I...'' then officer said ''Need someone to talk to?'' ''No, I'm fine...'' ''A close friend or someone after you had...? ''I said I'm fine.''  

Kitten sat quietly and said ''There's more then meets the eye, if you wanted more hard evidence, you need to go to that camp at nightfall, then you'll see what I mean by Blood Animals.''. Officer then asked ''Huh? going there to see more? What happens in Blood Forest at night?'' ''Trust me, I've seen what's going on over there, I've already been through enough, the urban legend that people said is true, just follow that lead and then, Everyone in the entire world will know the truth of what's going with heads of B.I.R.D.T.S.''  

The Chief whispered in officer's ear, they agreed to follow that lead and find out the truth of this unsolved case over 70 years ago.


-Blood Forest-

Two officers is walking in the forest, looking for answers of this lead, they heard snailing and growling, even the sound of flesh being ripped off and eaten, they shine their flashlights towards the figures and shown that is Blood Animals.

''Holy sh-'' one officer said as Razor Teeth heard the cop said out loudly, then other cop said to his radio ''We got visible monsters here, send in all officers here and check this out, over.''

Blood Animals then stood up and growled at the officers then one said ''Oh S*&$!!!'', They all began to walked towards the officers as they said ''No! no! no! no! Stay back! STAY BACK!''

Then their screams can be heard throughout the Blood Forest as sirens can be heard from the distance.

No one gets out alive

As Blood Animals kills you first before you would get out alive.

This is where failures took their toll....

It's been 70 years since it happened and 70 it took to raise...

Now they awoken, and their taken back control...

This is why this forest is called ''The Blood Forest''


The End...

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