Chapter 4

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Amara's P.O.V.

My sleep was restless— tossing and turning became my main go-to for comfort, but of course, it seemed that my relationship with my bed wasn't as good as I thought. The eyes I had felt staring into my soul were no longer there, though I had an odd feeling about this room entirely. In the duration of two days, so many things had happened within these walls that I had completely lost the trust I once had for it. 

Every ounce of my being was enveloped in a thick and merciless panic. I feared I might have been going out of my mind, and the seconds ticking by, each one spent in the isolation, made me fearful of my bedroom. A room I felt was being shared with someone who was not welcome.

The darkness seemed to grow throughout the hours, even if it was nearing morning. I'd swing my head towards the corner every now and then, hoping to catch my observer before they had a chance to flee, but somehow, each time, they were gone before my eyes laid upon them. And just as all the other times, the corner grew darker and darker.

Around 5:00 am, I gave up, rolling out of bed with an aching back, watching my own every move, and finally slipping away to the kitchen in search for my greatest friend— coffee. I doubled the sugar, added some milk and plopped down on the living room couch for yet another attempt at relaxation. Though, the world seemed to have betrayed me once again, seeing as the second I touched the comfort of our couch, my eyes caught sight of something across the room, hiding behind the T.V.

Peeking out from the old, dust-coated T.V., I saw scratches on the walls. My Nana always kept her walls tightly, only ever letting the cat scratch on one--- her bedroom's. I felt nausea flow into my stomach, but I kept sane. Getting up, tired legs lulling side to side, I daunted over the living room floor. As I neared the wall, the scratches seemed to form a word. I had to squint, but I could see it.

Right there, carved in a scratchy, sloppy style, the word "HELLO" was branded into the wall.


Three years. It's been nearly three years since I have updated this book, and even now, the only reason I did was because I was intrigued by my latest draft for it.

I've grown a lot since I've last updated, I turn 18 in mere months and im practically already done with high school. I work, a lot, and because of that, you might not see another update for a while again. But .. here's this I guess? I'm sorry.

- dani

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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