Chapter 1

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Amara's P.O.V

"Sweet heart, can you please clean out the attic for me? I'm too tired, and I might throw out my back." My grandmother, Esme asked me.

I smiled sweetly, "Of course Nana, go to your room and rest."

She smiled, hugged me, then went off to her room. I grabbed the broom and a rag and climbed up the steps to the second floor, then pulled the string to retract the swing-down ladder to the attic.

I climbed the ladder and immediately started to cough from all the dust in the air. I swept a little, then started to move some things around.

My grandmother is what I call, a hoarder. She buys anything she can get her hands on, then throws it in the attic. She claims that she will need these things one day, but I believe that she just wants to sell them before she dies to make a profit.

Soon, I see a giant stack of board games, and start to go through them. At the top of the stack, is a Monopoly game, followed by Candy Land, Sorry, and Twister. I go through a few more games, before I come across one I haven't seen before.

Heaven or Hell

The game seemed unusual, with the cover on the box being fire and darkness from below fighting the light of above.

Curiosity getting the best of me, I open the box. Inside lay a game board, two red dice, a few little plastic players, and a block of smooth wood with some words carved into it.

Be aware of the risks you take when playing. What ever you land on, you unleash.


1. No cheating

2. No skipping turns

3. The first person to reach the gates of heaven wins, and all creatures unleashed, will return to the game.

It seemed like a cool game. I mean, none of this could really happen, so might as well play, right?

I lay out the game board and pick up two little plastic men. I will just play against myself.

I pick up the two red dice, and roll them.

2 and 5. So 7.

I advance 7 places with my little red man. I land on an empty spot.

I roll the dice again.

6 and 5. So 11.

I advance 11 places with my little white man, and again, I land on an empty space.

I then again, roll the dice.

 4 and 4. So 8.

I advance 8 places with my little red man, expecting to land on an empty space, but this time I land on a little red square with black words on it.

They roam the night, thirsting for human blood. Beware, you are next.

I am next? They actually want me to believe that I just unleashed a creature of the night that wants to suck my blood?

Um, no.

I pick up all the pieces of the game, and put it back in the box, then I get back to cleaning the attic.


About an hour later, I finally finish cleaning, and the attic looked nearly spotless. I admired my work, then climbed back down into the hallway.

I walk over to my grandmothers door and gently knock. "Nana? I finished the attic, I'll be in my room if you need anything else."

I wait a few minutes and don't receive an answer. She must be sleeping. I walk to y room, shutting the door and falling onto my bed.

I let out a sigh of exhaustment and close my eyes, letting my mind roam the thoughts inside my head. I had always loved silence. It was a time to sit back and let all of your stress stream from your body and leave you temporarily.

My silence was interrupted by a thud that echoed through my room. My eyes open, and I sit up. My eyes roam the room until they land on a book that had landed on the floor.

I sigh once again and hang my legs off the side of the bed, then push myself to my feet. Walking over to the book, my feet create creaks on the wood beneath them. I crouch down to the floor and pick up the discarded book. 

I lifted the book into my hands, then gently placed it back onto my mahogany computer desk. As I walked back to my bed, a draft passed through the room. That was unusual, since I could've swore I shut the window earlier today. Another draft flew in, and I could hear the faint sound of fluttering papers behind me.

I swirl around to see the book I had just picked up, with the pages flipping through until the draft stops and it has landed on an open page.

I slowly walk over to the mysterious book. I look onto the open page, and it seems like everything was written in a foreign language.

But at the top, in bold, black letters, was one word that I recognized.


The Latin word for Vampire.


Hey guys! So this is he first chapter to 'Roll The Dice'. I'm so sorry for the wait, but i've kinda had writers block on this, but I finally finished. I know it's short and probably boring, but bare with me. IT WILL GET BETTER. I have to build things up to make it interesting.


~D a n i <3

roll the dice ↠ vampireWhere stories live. Discover now