Chapter 2

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Amara's P.O.V

I stepped back, just for precaution. Why, out of all the pages, did it open to this specific one? Between the game, and now the book, I'm not so sure if it was just a joke anymore. But then, my common sense set in. This isn't possible Amara, you're mind is just playing tricks on you.

I decided to listen to my head, so I closed the book and put it back in it's rightful place. I took a deep breath and breathed out, hoping to calm my cautious nerves. It's just a coincidence, it's just a coincidence. I repeated the phrase in my head over and over until I tricked myself into believing it.

I grabbed my phone and walked back over to my bed. I just needed to lie down and sleep and just forget about this silly little idea in my head. With a sigh, I flopped down and surrounded my head in the fluff of my pillow. Closing my eyes, the darkness absorbed my sight.

It was nearly midnight when I was woken by absolutely nothing. No sounds intruded the bliss of silence and no shadows showed through the dark night. It was odd, truly. Usually I was a heavy sleeper, only a bullhorn able to wake me. But this, this didn't feel right.

Just as I was reaching for my lamp to add light to this dull and darkened room, something zoomed past me. It was as fast as lightning. If it hadn't sent a breeze towards me, I wouldn't have even noticed it.

Being the actual toddler I am, I ducked under the covers, squeezing my eyes shut in hopes of it not noticing me. Ha, like a giant human-shaped lump under the covers wouldn't be noticed. Keep lying to yourself.

I could hear it now, a familiar wooshing sound flooding my ears as I guessed the thing sped around my temporary room. I clutched tighter to the covers, attempting to crunch my legs closer to my chest. The wooshing stopped, but I could practically feel eyes burning into my body. It seemed that my efforts in making myself invisible hadn't worked.

I could hear no breaths, at least none that didn't belong to me, but I knew it was there. I knew it was looking directly at me, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce and kill me. Hopefully that wasn't the case.

Gathering some courage, I took a deep breath and peeked over the edge of my duvet, my eyes scanning the pitch black room. Taking one more deep breath, I flung my hand towards the lamp, switching it on as fast as I could. What did I see in front of me?

An empty room, with wet boot prints all over the fucking floor.


I can not tell you how sorry I am. This is one of my most popular books, and yet, only the description and the first chapter had been posted until now.

I know I'm shit at this, but I get MAJOR writers block like every fucking time I actually feel like writing on this book.

I just want to say thank you for all of you that are here and reading this. I'm complete shit at this updating thing, so you still being here really means a lot.

I'm not even going to ask for votes, comments, or follows because you guys reading this is enough.

I love you all,

- D a n i < 3

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