Challenge 20 - End of The World?

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Zeb steered his houseboat carefully as it cut through debris in the murkey waters. It had been raining non-stop for six months. Now the tops of buildings were completely submerged along with the rest of the city.

He held his palms up, letting the rain pour down on him. Then he shook his hair like a dog after a bath and howeled into the clouded sky.

"What are you doing!" His roommate, Jessa, shouted.

"There's no one around. We haven't seen anyone in weeks... I'm beginning to think there's no one left. Kinda like Moses and his Arc."

"You mean, Noah?"

"Yeah. Him."

Zeb couldn't have asked for a better scenario. Being alone on a boat with Jessa? They could very well be responsible to restore mankind! Zeb howeled into the air again.

"Look!" Jessa pointed.

Off in the distance was another boat, searching for survivors. Zeb stopped howeling.

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