Chapter 008

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Sending the report Sunday night had been more than just a little strange for Ryan. It had felt almost wrong to write it, even if he hadn't said anything specific, just something about progress, physical as well as personal, between them. It was weird, though. Not only the fact that he was sharing Brendon's first kiss with the bureau, which felt dodgy enough, but also the fact that it was his own first, a significant milestone in his own life. Something which no one really cared about since it was all work. No one really cared that he had always thought that his first kiss would not only be with a girl, but also with someone who knew and understood not to expect too much of him. He'd always thought it would be honest.

Then there was the email he'd received from Tobias the following morning which said things like 'way to go, my man!' and 'second base already' and 'oh, I just realized we sent you off unprepared. I'll do something about that' and he'd been angrier with his roommate than he remembered ever having been before. The anger was made better by being laced with a sense of dread about what Tobias would do something about, and how. He'd written an angry email in which he'd told his friend to stay out of it, and that second base was definitely pulling it a bit beyond the reality of the situation. And then he hadn't heard anything more about that matter since and was almost convinced that Tobias really had decided to stay out of it.

That was until lunch, Thursday, when some kid ran around, giving out people's mail. And he'd put a decent sized box on the table in front of Ryan. The box was a plain white with no brands or anything on, and the sender address was some Internet company he had never heard of. For good reason, probably. And he was definitely content not to open it right then and there. Not ever, really. And then he quickly pushed it aside, under his chair, and returned to his food, sending the others a weak smile.

"What's that?" Jon asked, mouth full of food as he pointed at Ryan. He really wanted to know what was in that package. Getting packages in the mail was always interesting. They usually meant presents, or perhaps even just more soap and toiletries from parents. He turned to Brendon and saw him trying to be discreet about eyeing the package under Ryan's chair, but it wasn't working very well and Jon smirked. "Come on, Ryan, you can't just receive something like that and then hide it from us. Honestly."

Brendon made a small sound of agreement, remembering numerous times before where he'd been forced to open random packages in front of Jon and Spencer. "It's kind of a rule, in a way." He said, shrugging.

"I have a feeling I never wanted to open this either way," he stated, but caved and reached under his chair for the package. He pushed his plate away and put the box in front of him, starting to work with the tape before he could finally tilt it open a bit, peeking inside the gap that was too small for anyone else to see. The first thing he saw was a note, printed, with a company logo on the top of the page. He carefully pulled it out, realizing it was one of those notes customers could send in gift packages even if they'd never been anywhere near the contents themselves.

Hey, Ry. Promised I'd make sure you were equipped, right? Here's everything you should need. Hope I'm not too late. Have fun and be safe. Tobe.

That didn't bode well, at all. "I'm not opening this here," he stated. "It's from my crazy, sex-obsessed brother who's probably been addicted since he was fourteen or something and can't get through his mind that I'm not the same." He tucked the note carefully back into the box, avoiding looking at the other contents, and put it quickly back under his chair.

Jon snorted, then burst out laughing. Covering his hands with his face, he threw his head back, letting out loud guffaws like there was no tomorrow. It was only when Spencer hit his arm that his laughter died down to chuckles. Jon wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes and shook his head. "Oh, God, this is too good." He stated, shaking his head. He stretched in his chair, still laughing somewhat, and when his feet landed on the box, he pretended that nothing was happening and carefully pulled the box closer. It took him a few times, but he finally manoeuvred it around without hitting Ryan's legs, and got the box right underneath his own chair. Reaching down for it, he plucked it off the floor and then onto the table, smiling innocently.

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