Chapter 24

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Dedication: -5saucyaussies- for all of the comments.

School sucks so much. Especially the first day. At least I got compliments on my hair and shirt. But, otherwise, I hated it. So I'll probably update a lot, to try and forget about how horrible this year is going to be.

So close but so far away.


"I like dicks!" Calum suddenly shouted. His eyes widened, and he covered his mouth with his hands. Why the fuck did he just say that?!

"What the fuck?" Mali asked, staring at her brother, very confused.

"Well, I only like Michael's, and I haven't actually seen it yet, recently, at least, but-"

"Shut up!" Michael groaned, and Calum looked at him to see that his face was very red.

"Again, what the fuck?" Mali asked. She didn't seem upset or weirded out, just confused.

"I-I like Michael," Calum said, hoping to draw Mali's attention away from his cuts. "He and I are... We're dating." He looked at his sister nervously, watching her eyes widen and her mouth drop open.

"But, he was dating my boyfriend."

"Now he's dating me."

She shook her head and sat on his bed, looking down at her feet. She didn't say anything, and Michael and Calum glanced at one another.

"You're gay?" she finally asked, looking up at him.

"I-I don't think so," he answered truthfully. "I still find girls hot, and I don't like any guys, besides Michael."

She bit her lip and nodded slowly, then whispered, "Okay."

"Okay? That's all you have to say?"

She shrugged. "What am I supposed to say? That I'm going to stop loving you because you like a guy? That isn't me, Calum. You know that. I'm really surprised that you two are, um, a thing, but I'm not mad."

He let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Mali. You don't know how happy I am to hear that."

She nodded curtly and wiped her hands on her jean-clad thighs. "I won't tell Mum and Dad, if you're wondering. Stop trying to hide behind what I just saw. You can't just say you like Michael's dick and expect me to forget all about it."


"You can't distract me with saying you like Michael because I saw a cut. Tell me what's wrong, Calum." Her voice was so soft and comforting, and he left like a little kid again, with her tending to his paper cuts and scraped knees.

Tears were prickling his eyes. He was so tired of crying. He was tired of everything, really. Except Michael. He would never get tired of him.

"It's been going on for a while now," he said softly, looking at the ground. "Since I was fourteen. I just... I'd rather hurt myself than others. I was hurting someone, and I hated it. I hate what I did to them, and I hate myself for it. So I hurt myself."

He felt a hand grab his, and he looked up to see Michael. The shorter boy smiled weakly and tugged Calum to his bed, where he wrapped his arms around the brunet boy.

For the rest of the afternoon, Calum and Mali talked about Calum's problems, Calum, of course, leaving out the parts where he beat Michael up. Mali left before either of their parents came home, because she didn't want to have to make up an excuse for why she was there. She left with a kiss to Calum's forehead, promising to be back for Christmas.

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