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Dedication: Everyone who has read this book up to this point, whether you read it from the day I posted it, or you just discovered it yesterday. You guys are who I wrote this book for, and I hope you have enjoyed every second of it.

The random hair touches between Malum make me so happy. Look how happy Calum looked when Michael did that.

It was a month later. A month since Calum technically cheated on Michael, a month since the trial, half a month since Ashley left. Not much had changed, really. When Calum's parents came back, there was a lot to explain. Of course, Calum didn't tell them about how he cheated on Michael.

His parents were more accepting of them than they used to be, but the boys still didn't hold hands or kiss in front of them.

Michael and Calum uploaded videos to Michael's YouTube channel a lot, and the pale boy got so many followers that he was a bit overwhelmed by it all. Malum was trending on Twitter for some reason every week, whether it be because they were seen walking down a street holding hands, or singing in a park.

Right now, they were curled up on the couch in Michael's living room, watching White Chicks. Although, they were more making out that watching the movie.

Calum rutted his hips against Michael's, and the pale boy whined into their kiss. He sucked on the tip of Calum's tongue and tugged softly on his hair.

"Guys," Michael's mum snapped. "Can you not do that? I am trying to watch the movie."

"S-Sorry," Calum mumbled, blushing. His already plump lips were now swollen and that much plumper, and his cheeks were red, whether because he was flushed, or embarrassed, Michael couldn't tell.

"Sorry, Mum," he said, sitting up. Calum got off of his lap and pulled his knees to his chest, trying to hide his hard-on.

"Aw, are you hard?" Michael whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek softly. "Hard for me, Calum? Are you thinking of fucking me right now?"

Calum pushed him away and glared at him. "Don't," he hissed.

Michael smirked and shrugged, leaning back into the couch. For the rest of the movie, Calum couldn't stop thinking of fucking Michael, which resulted in a very uncomfortable half an hour.

As soon as the movie was over, Calum grabbed Michael's hand and rushed upstairs, not caring what Michael's mum thought they would do. He kicked the shorter boy's door closed behind him and pushed Michael onto the bed.

"My bum still hurts from last night," Michael whined.

"You deserved it, kitten," Calum said. "But, fine, I'll give you a break. But I'm really hard, so I need something."

Michael rolled his eyes and sat up. "No."

Calum raised his eyebrows. "What?"

"This is your punishment for being so rough with me last night and not prepping me. Get yourself off or don't get off at all. I'm going to the park."

"Are you serious?"


"Michael," Calum whined. Michael ignored him and pulled a pair of shoes on. "Oh, fuck you."

"So are you coming?" Michael asked as he walked towards the door.

"Will you make me?"

"Not in the way you want me to."

Calum sighed and stood. "Fine. Let's fucking go to the park."


Michael knew Calum thought their relationship was great. And, sometimes, he did, too. But, other times, he almost couldn't handle it.

Take It Out On Me [Malum AU]Where stories live. Discover now