The Future Wife

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"We should have expected that the moment your mother arrived unexpectedly at the party." Quinn said as we walked towards the parking lot.

"I'm still wondering why she choose you and not Sanny here?" Sugar asked looking at Santina.

"It's because she thought that Emily and Santina are still engaged with each other." Quinn answered for me. "Emily is already a good catch."

Santina gave me a sympathetic look while caressing my back. "Santana is her favorite." Santina softly said.

I looked at her and shook my head in disapproval. I don't want to hurt my sister. "Don't think that." I said. "Besides, who wants to be her favorite? I'm sure as hell I don't want to."

She gave me a smile. "Well, sometimes I want to be one. I miss having a mom, San. We never had one." then she exhaled a deep breath then continued, "It's the truth. I have a lot in common with Cristina than her. So practically she kindda hates me."

Sugar nodded, "Yeah. That made sense."

"Oh, don't be so sure. Santana is the target for now, but Santina's turn will be soon, once she knew about what happened between her and Emily." Quinn commented.

I took a deep breath. You see, one day after the party, my mama Isabel called me, no not 'called' me, summoned me to go to her room. And I already had a hint what was about to come.

"You called for me?" I asked unemotionally, as I entered her room. God, why can't she just leave us alone? It's not like she became a mother to us ever.

"Is that your way of greeting your mama?" she said that made my eyebrow raised.

"What do you want MAMA?" I said, spatting the word.

She just smiled at me, she knew I'm getting impatient and she also knew how hot-tempered I am. But I know underneath that smile, there is something beneath that and I don't like it.

"You met the Marin heiress yesterday. I want you to marry her. I've spoken to her mom and we agreed to marry both of you as soon as possible after your graduation." she said firmly, in a business like tone.

My anger rose again, I remembered that event yesterday and I was really pissed off about it. Now that she brought it up again, I swear that the infamous Lopez Anger is building inside me. "I don't want to marry her!" I yelled through gritted teeth.

She just sipped her wine calmly that made me angry again.

"Did you hear me? I'm not going to marry that girl! I don't even know her!"

She nod her head then stared deeply into my eyes, and I swear I felt scared just by looking back at her. She really have this effect on people. "I know what you've been up to, Santana." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "Do you know that Mr. Pierce has a lot of debts right now?" she said that I widened my eyes. She knew about Brittany! "And I can easily do what I want if I want that girl out of your life, out of this city even out of this country." then she paused and continued, "with her father behind bars."

"What are you talking about?" I said in a higher tone. My lips quivering in anger.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, my daughter. So don't play dumb in front of me." she said firmly. "I know that you've been fooling around lately with that girl. I don't mind. You can play anytime you want just don't involve feelings! You know that it will be your greatest downfall!" she hissed.

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