Chapter 1: The shaking of hands

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First day at Chester Park Sixth Form,
ID round my neck cos I ain't tryna miss Form.

So many girls with the same colour weave,
And their eyebrows aren't their own so I won't say they're on fleek.

A whole batch of girls with the same 6ft timbs,
Yet they wanna say they're unique with their big foot and uneven fringe

HAH... I came here calm.
I didn't dress up for anybody but myself and that's a charm.
Skinny black jeans with black and white converses
Black and white baseball tee and cap I'm anti, don't converse with me.

"Scuse me?" A voice called out. "You dropped this."
I looked back and smiled so my look wasn't amiss.
I dropped my oyster card, it must have fallen out of my bag,
"Here you go b, and you might wanna zip that." He smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled.
"You're welcome... oh and i like your style. Simple and sweet, and the others are obsolete.
They think they're priceless but they still need a receipt."

"Ouch... hahaa" I laughed really hard.
"Damn I like your rhymes and your harsh bars."

"Thanks. Hey,
By the way, what's your name?

"My name is Zhane but, you can call me Nae."

"Girl I like that. My name is Levi. Here's my number, you can call me anytime you like."

And he hands me a piece of paper with his number written on it. I take it and he walks away as the school bell rings.

Was he fine? Hell yeah he was fine.
But I doubt I'll call him, I've always got a lot on my mind.
So much to do in so little time,
Yet I've still got time to constantly rhyme.


"Morning all, I'm Mr Fifth. Shake the hand of the person next to you. And let's go around the room and say a bit about ourselves.
Let's start with... you, miss black and white." He referred to me.

"Okay." I started.
"Well the names Zhane Taylor
And I'll start with asking a favour,
Don't look at me twice if you haven't taken a number,
Or else I'll leave you on your own to slumber.
No hard feelings but I walk and live alone,
You might see me with the party but inside I'm home alone.
So if you wanted to get with me, I'll just let you know
It's a story with a bad ending, don't say I never told you so.
The bright side is, I'll accept you anyway.
I may be tough and I don't always complain.
And that's me done, you'll find out more along the way,
That's me done, hope you all have a nice first day."

"Nice one Zhane." Says Mr Fifth."Nice rhymes you've got there. Would you like to go next?"

"The name is Havana... Havana Davis,
I'll cut to the chase and I'll start with the basics.
Keep a long story short I've got some sort of hatred,
Towards the world and their perceptions and it's been like this for ages.
Questions... I've got questions for days,
Why is this like that and that like this? And, oh my days
It never makes sense to me,
These things are not the way they're meant to be
But it's sad how we've all settled with the way things have been placed to be
But I'll leave it for now,
Until the next time,
It's early in the A.M
So I'll just shut up now."

"Nice Havana. Who wants to go next?"


"I'll go next, now watch me as I flex
I don't bang gym much but I always look my best.
The names Levi, with no Roots
On the highway but I've never touched a zoot
17 years old with a mind of a man
I'm the man with the ideas, and my ideas always bang.
A guy like me doesn't just hang
At the top I am, rhyming like Sam I am...

Hahaa I'm just chatting rubbish. I don't rhyme much. I'm just feeding off the girls - especially Miss Taylor over there."

"Of course you are." Said Mr Fifth.
"Anyone else wanna go ahead and introduce themselves or do I have to pick?"

"Don't stress yourself Mr Five. I'll go next."

"Its 'Fifth'. Not Five." Replies Mr Fifth.

"Whatever homie. Now where should I start? The clothes, the girls or the money?" I smirked.

"How about starting with your name?" Havana said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah I was gonna do that. Chill bruh." I replied.

"Anyway - the names Rico Dos Santos...
Ahh man i flopped already."

The class laughed and I got a bit heated on the inside.

I stood up and said, "Aye shut up. Why you laughing?"

"Oh sit down man." We got your name. That's about it." Havana moaned.

I caught the vibe that she weren't really feeling me but I feel like once she gets to know what I'm about then she can chill. For now I'll low her.

"Its okay Rico. How about telling us where you're from and what subjects you're studying?" Said Mr Fifth.

"Ah sir that's such a dead intro. Like everyone had rhymes and all that but now you want me to give a dead speech."
I kissed my teeth and said, "yeah... I'm from Spain... I moved here when I was 7. Ermm... I'm studying Business, Economics, Spanish and Media."

"Why you studying Spanish as an A Level if you yourself are Spanish?" Zhane asked. "That doesn't make sense."

"I dunno. Bare people do it though. French people study french. Portuguese people study Portuguese too. It's mad." I replied

"I think it's dumb." She said.

"It is."

"Anybody else? Or can we move on?" Mr Fifth asked.

He looked around the room and spotted a girl hiding her face. She sat at the back of the classroom alone.

"How about you? The girl hiding her face at the back." Mr Fifth called her out.

The whole class had looked back at her in which I could tell it made her even more nervous.
She came across as shy but I see shy girls differently. I have a charm with shy girls and she was one that I was after.
She was buff too. Brown skinned, silky black, coolie hair. As she looked up I noticed her brown eyes.
She wore blue jeans, triple black huaraches, a black blouse with a black leather jacket with silver studs on the shoulders.


I hated the way Mr Fifth had called out my name. I hate being put on the spot. And that Rico boy kept looking at me. That made me feel really uncomfortable.

"My name is Yazmin Harding." I said quietly.
"I'm studying health and social care and drama."

"Anything else?" Asked Mr Fifth.


"Okay fine. Now I want all of you in groups of five. I want you all to introduce yourselves closely with one another and bond."

Damn I hate group work sometimes.

"Mr Five you're such a marshmallow." Said Rico. "What's with all this soft talk about bonding and all that? You sound like a wife."

"Well this gives you an opportunity to talk to whoever you want." He replied.

"Whatever." Rico mumbled as he came over to me and smiled and pulled me onto Levi's table with Zhane and Havana.

This was an alright group. Somehow we automatically clicked and they made me feel comfortable so I started making conversation. We spoke about where we were from, what we were studying, discussing our timetables and Rico kept getting close which kind of ruined how comfortable I was getting.
Havana didn't seem to like him that much but she pulled through it by keeping her mouth shut; even though her facial expressions and her attitude said it all.
I believe this would be my squad for the year. Maybe in the near future, I'll probably rhyme like some of them too and we'll be known as the group that rhymes or something like that. Hahahaa.

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