Chapter 2: I am my own man

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So as I made my way to my house from another long day at college, all that was on my mind was business. Business was on my mind and I couldn't wait to get my hands on that paper. I couldn't wait to drop my bag down and get down to business.
My business teacher always tells us that in order to be successful in the business field, you've got to have business on your mind all the time. Don't let anything distract you. Stay FOCUSED.

You're probably wondering what my business is... well I'll tell you.
I've got my own trap house. I'm the top trapstar in the whole of South London. They call me the Trap Queen but I say whatever because, as long as I know there's nobody above me then I'm straight.

You're also probably wondering why I'm not rhyming right now either...?
Well just wait for it. It's not everyday constantly rhyme. Sometimes just speak and get straight to the point. You get me?

I changed into a pair of black joggers, a black sweatshirt, a pair of black high top air forces, my black bomber jacket and my black Nike baseball cap. That cap is my favourite.

I bopped out of my house and walked  across the road, through the narrow alleyway to see my friends sitting on the wall outside the trap. Roxy and Troy.
Troy was my home skillet biscuit. He was always ready to make things happen and that's what I love about him. He understands that I don't have much patience so he never wastes time and he always does it right.
Roxy on the other hand was also always ready but she never stops talking. It worries me sometimes because she talks so much, I don't know if she's made the mistake of talking to the wrong people. But she's loyal. That's why I roll with her.

"NAAAEEEE!" Roxy ran to me screaming and came to give me a hug.
"Shush.  Keep your voice down." I said.
"Sorry. Oh my gosh I've missed you so much. It's like I haven't seen you in loooong. Like how was college? Ooo what about that boy that you like? You guys going out yet?"
"Roxy shut up man!" I said. "Gosh your mouth runs like water. Go inside man. Flip."

And she walked away with a sad look on her face meanwhile Troy was chuckling to himself after I shut Roxy up.
"Nae you're too much." He laughed.
"Bruv, she's annoying."
"She just loves you man."
"Yeah Yeah yeah." I laughed. "How's it been today?"
"Ahh." Troy said as he looked up to the sky. "I never lie to you so I'm not even gonna start today."

As soon as he said that, my heart skipped with fear.

"Go inside and see for yourself." He said.
"Troy you better not be messing with me." I replied.
I opened the door and walked down the staircase slowly. I couldn't hear anything. The fact that I couldn't hear anything made me worried. And the fact that I felt worried just made me angry.
I burst through the door and two dons stood up quickly. Roxy was lazing about at the computer and another Don was asleep.

I stood still, looking around the room slowly. Everyone looked back at me in fear. Nobody moved and the tension filled the atmosphere. It was so quiet I could hear drips of sweat which came from the fear in their hearts falling upon the floor. I could hear everyone's heartbeat...

"Yo... give me your belt." I said to Don #1.
He gave it to me and I whipped it on Don #3 who was asleep.
"AAAAAHHHHHH" he screamed as he woke up. "What was that for?"
"Why the hell are you sleeping on the job? Did I call you here to sleep or to work? It's only 5pm and you're asleep.
Are you dumb!? GET UP FAM!" I shouted.
And he sat there still rubbing his leg.
"Oi get up man quickly. Quickly" Don #1 & #2 said as they helped him up.

"Before I get into it, how has business been today?" I asked.
Everyone looked around the room.
"It wasn't a rhetorical question! So someone better answer me!"
"It's been alright." Don #2 said shakily.
"No it hasn't." Roxy said from the computer. "Not gonna lie Zhane, everyone has been tired. We've been working all night yeah so we slept today init. We're young. We don't do 9-5's."
"You're tired but you still have the energy to run off your mouth though." I said. "Listen I don't wanna hear any excuses init. How much have we made?"
"Like £30." Don #3 said.
"WHAT?!" I shouted.
"Nah boss he's just tired. I've been awake from 2pm. I've made like £40." Don #1 said. "How much did you make?"
"I made £70." Said Don #2.
"Roxy?" I said.
"Erm... nah not gonna lie. Me and sleepy head have been a-"
"Nah I don't even wanna hear it. You guys are taking the absolute piss. Troy don't let this happen again. I'm leaving you in charge for next time I'm gone. You better make sure everyone is on job."
"Got it." Troy said.
I walked over to him and said "don't mess up."
"I won't." He replied.

*BANG* we heard from the front door.
"What was that?" I asked.
Troy went to peek out the window.
"Uh-oh." He said.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"I dunno if you wanna strap up or if you wanna run."
"Nah I don't kill. I just put people in place, get me. Roxy open the door. We'll be right behind you."
"Ahh low it man." She moaned.
"Shut up and just do it. You're acting like this Is the first time this has happened." I said.

Roxy went up the stairs whilst me, Troy and the 3 dons were behind her strapped up.
"Wait. Take mines. I don't need it." I whispered and gave my gun to Don #3.

Roxy opened the door slightly and said,
"Where's Zhane bruv?" One of the guys asked.
"Who wants to know?" Roxy asked in her flirtatious voice.
"Don't worry init. Just open the door. I know she's here."
Roxy sighed and said, "fine." As she opened the door, he was shocked to see me standing there with my boys behind me, strapped up.
"I'm gonna give you five seconds to run and get out of here otherwise your mother will not see you again.
5... 4... 3..."
And like a little girl he ran off. We laughed hysterically and then suddenly another guy came by. He was hench and angry and before we could close the door, Roxy ran away and this tough guy came at us and kicked me in my side which caused me to fall upon the guys and then we fell down the stairs together.
We were in too much pain to get up quickly.
"Give me ALL your flipping money! Dont waste my time!" He screamed.
But we couldn't move so therefore he robbed us.
"Dont touch me!" I shouted.
He kicked me again and said "shut up! I'll be back another day for the rest!" And he walked up the stairs and left.

"Who the hell was that?" Don #2 asked.
"I don't know." I replied.
"Where did Roxy go?" Don #3 asked.
"I don't know." I replied.
"She cut." Said Don #1.
"Hey, Nae?" Troy whispered. "Do you think she set us up?"
I walked over to the computer to see a message on her DM on Twitter saying "she's here now" to a guy called '@DenchnBreeze' , sent today at 4:55pm.
"Yeah she did." I replied. "She's gonna pay for this."
"Rah what are you thinking to do Zhane?" Asked Don #1.
"It doesn't matter what I'm gonna do. I just need to know if you're on it?"
All 3 dons including Troy looked unsure on how to reply. That was enough for me to know that they didn't have my back. Troy slightly broke my heart but I couldn't show it on my face that he did. Instead I just said, "never mind. All of you GET OUT! I don't need you lots. You're all a flipping waste of space. I AM MY OWN MAN!"
And without hesitation, the 3 dons ran out.
Troy on the other hand hesitated however I was too angry at the situation and beyond hurt by his decision to even hear what he wanted to say.
"I can't believe you did this Troy. You of all people." I said.
"Nae -"
"No. Just go." I replied to him. And he walked out the doors and I slammed it behind him.

I walked back down the stairs slowly and sat on the sofa. It was too much to handle so I laid back on the sofa and before I knew it, I was asleep.

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