Chapter 3: I get what I want and when I want it

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My motto ... Money Over Everything.
With money I can control anyone or anything
I can get what I want, when I want it.
Nobody can tell me no because I've got it all
The money, the clothes and the girls in the swimming pool.
I'm living it big and I'm only 16
Thanks to my dad who learnt all the tricks in the book when he turnt 15.
A rollie on my wrist I swear it's bigger than me
But the size doesn't matter bruh it's all about the quality.
Rico Dos Santos is the name if you didn't catch that.
I'm the guy with it all just in case you missed that fact.

You're probably wondering how did i learn to rhyme like that?
I know, I'm getting better right? Because last time was shambolic. Levi taught me a couple of things, I've been hanging around him a lot.

It was a warm Saturday afternoon and I was out by the pool in my backyard, counting money as usual. I laid back on the recliner with a pile of money on my right hand side on a stool whilst I had the stereo on playing the Godfather theme song. For some reason it always made me feel like I was the top guy. I actually felt like the Godfather himself. The girls in the pool didn't like it, especially because I played it back to back but I didn't care because if it wasn't for me, they wouldn't be living in luxury.

"Rico come and eat!" My mum shouted from the kitchen window.
"No I'm busy!" I replied.
"This money has gotten to your head. I might as well put it in the blender and make you drink it."
"Oh would you ma?" I asked.
"Stupid boy." She said and she walked back into the kitchen.

"Rico come in the pool and play with us." One of the girls in the pool said.

"Can't you see I'm busy?" I replied. "Did you not just hear me say that I'm busy to my own mother? Are you deaf or something?"

Before I knew it, someone slapped the back of my head. It was my annoying older brother Ricardo. I hated him but I loved him at the same time. He had a faint moustache and a bit of hair on his chin. He was 5"8 and quite muscular with a tattoo on his right arm.

"Ouch fool." I moaned.
"Don't talk to my girl like that man." He replied. "You're talking like you run the place. I'll put you in your place."
"Shut up. I talk however I wanna talk."
"Whatever fool. What you doing?" He asked.
"The usual Bro. Just thinking of what to buy with all this money."
"Hey. Look at what I just bought! I'll be right back." He said with excitement as he got up to get his new item.
I waited, continuing to count my money. I counted £300 so far and there was still more to go through.
Ricardo came back with an odd looking skateboard with blue lights on it.
"What the hell is that?" I asked.
"It's a Segway. Everybody's got one." He replied.
"It's looks weird. How does it work?"
"You've just gotta lean slightly and it follows your move." He said. "Look, I'll show you."

And he went around the pool showing me how it worked. It looked quite cool. I guess I'll buy one and bring it around college.

"Let me try?" I asked, getting ready to get on it.
I stepped on it and I was shook because I felt as though I was gonna fall.
"Hey come over here and help me balance." I said to Ricardo as he came to help me out.

"You've got it now Bro." Said Ricardo.
"Yeah Yeah I do. Move now." I replied.
And not long after that I fell backwards off of the segway and my brother and the girls were laughing hard at me.

I quickly got up and said, "This thing is stupid!"
"No you're stupid." Ricardo laughed.
"Dude let me have another go?" I asked.
"No. I'm going out."
"Quickly man!" I said as I tried to grab it.
"Move fool." And he pushed me into the pool.

I was so mad at him for that. This wasn't the first time he's done it, but I had my Rolex on this time. I swam back up and shouted, "Ricardo you stupid fool. I'm wearing my rollie and you wanna push me in the pool."

"That's not my problem Rico!" He said as he walked back into the house.

"I hate that guy." I mumbled to myself.
The girls in the pool were still giggling at me so I said, "stop laughing before I kick you all out onto the streets."

"Aww Rico you're so cute." One of them said.
"Oh yeah? You think I'm cute? Well I'll be back for you baby." I said as I got out of the pool and blew kisses to her.

She was actually beautiful. A beautiful Latina she was. I didn't know her name,  I just knew she was one of my brothers girls. I didn't get how he got all of these nice girls and my girls are just.... alright. However, they weren't as nice as Jazmin from college. I may have to bring her over by the pool one day. Actually, I've got an even better idea. I'll throw a pool party, that way she'll come because she's pretty shy and I don't wanna freak her out.
... yeah I think I might just do that. But everybody has got to pay at the door. My family doesn't do anything for free.

~ End of Chapter 3. Vote,  share, comment. Thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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