Chapter 12

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We keep watching TV till around 12:00 am snd i decide to head to bed "Night bro" i toss him the remote "Wow your early, night" i make it to my room and i undress and hop in bed and fall asleep immediately. I wake up the next morning at 8:30, i go downstairs and Gabriel isn't up yet so i grab myself a bowl of cereal and a cup of chocolate milk. Gabriel comes down and immediately covers his face with his hands "bro go put on some clothes" "Why I have boxers on an you don't have a shirt on?" "Still i at least have pants on, cmon" "Alright" i quickly go upstairs and put on my pj pants that have flash logos all over it. I go back downstairs and resume eating breakfast "So how was the date last night?" It would've happened sooner if he would've told me about her earlier "It was good" he looks jealous and i just smirk "Done mention it ok i can tell what you want to say so just leave it alone ok, you know I'm sorry?" I don't say anything "Right?" I don't want to talk about this "C'mon man, we chill?" "You know what i font get is why her when you said you didn't like her and why keep it from me for so long, especially since I'm the reason your here with all this money" "Look, i screwed up okay and i realize that now and I'm sorry" "Why?" "Why what?" "Why did you hide it from me for so long" "I told you already, i was jealous of the charm you have with girls and i knew it was s matter of time before you had her to yourself" My eyes water up "You have no idea how much i suffered for so long with the grief of not seeing her" I leave the kitchen and go up stairs to play some Video games. He yells after me "Cmon man!" I ignore him and put on my headphones and blast my music and play some call of duty.

Always and forever (Short/unfinished)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt