Chapter 23

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It's Paul, thank god. He's wearing a black and white tux "Hey boss, is this the beautiful date?" "Yup" "Wait do I know you from somewhere?" "Babe this is Paul, he also went to CRMA and had Algebra with Ms.Encalada" "Hey Paul, and why is he calling you boss?" "He is my I driver" "Shall we get moving sir, the show will start in the next hour or two" "True" Paul leads us outside "Uhm sir which car should I take?" "Which one would you like to take, the Bentley or Aston Martin?" "How about the hatchback?" "Ma'am I'm sorry but that vehicle is off limits to anyone but the boss himself" "Do you really want to ride in that one?" "Honestly if it means that much to you then no, we can take the Bentley" "Alright, you heard her go get it" I click the button on my remote key and the door opens so he can get the car. Paul walks inside and we hear the sound of a car and see the White and Golden Chrome Bentley pull out of the garage "Beautiful" "Don't worry you've got that car beat in looks" We walk over the car and the door opens, Camila gets in first and I second. The interior is a white leather with golden silk curtains "It's so soft" "Thats because it has memory foam and cooling gels as fillers in the seats" "Thank you Paul" "He's so educated about this car" "Oh no not just this one but all of them, In fact I let him choose the interior for this one and the Aston Martin" "He really knows how to treat an employee of his" He pulls out of the drive way and takes us on our way "So how many employees do you have working for you?" "It depends, are you including the ones from the studio and all the ones I sign?" "I guess so" "Well I like to think of it as we are all working for each other, if you think about it, the people I sign go and have good shows and their fans wander who signs them and see that its me and check me out giving me more of a fanbase and with that fanbase I direct them to different people and businesses to give them more publicity and money, I mean look at Paul here at first he was just a friend giving me rides and after a little publicity he now has a 6 million dollar transportation business with busses and limos ect. across the country" "Yup and I cant thank him enough for that so I told him years ago that when ever he needs me I'll be here for him as his driver and friend" "Wow so he owes you a lot huh?" "No he owes me nothing, he does this for free even though I insist he doesn't need to be my driver" "Then again sir when it comes to times like these you will need me and I promised I'd be here no matter the drive" "Thanks Paul, and another thing, don't call me sir it makes me feel old" "Yes si-" "Thank you" The drive goes quite quickly and we arrive not to much later at Sunlife Stadium. Paul drives us into the V.I.P parking and I signal the guy in the tower and he picks up his radio he has and seconds later a golf cart pulls up in front of us and both Camila and I get on. Paul walks over to the driver side "Away" he says and the driver gets sucked into the center of the steering wheel like a balloon. He hops on and drives us toward the stadium and on our way there we can see fans having tailgate parties an our before the concert "Wow their committed" Camila says in surprise "Yup, and if you think this is a lot just wait till the Superbowl comes this place will be filled 3 hours before the game even starts" We drive into the actual building and through the halls to the dressing room where Patricia is getting ready to perform. I get out of the golf cart and Camila follows me and I knock on the door "Who is it!" I just open the door without saying a word "Oh my god Jermaine, wait or are you willie from graduation night?" We all laugh. "Come in come in" we walk in leaving Paul in the golf cart and we sit down on the chairs she has in her fitting room "So I have some good news and bad news and a business proposal" "Lets start with the bad news" "Well as you can see I am crippled and Gabriel is in worse shape than I am, and I cant do any shows for the next couple months, like the Superbowl and big stuff like that" "Oh my what happened?" "They got in a fight over me" "Well it was only because I was drunk" Patricia giggles "And I am going to let you use my band and singers and dancers as you want till I get back" "Oh my gosh thank you" "And I was wandering if you could take my shows as well till I get back, they each pay over a mill a show and it would give you an experience like no other and also it will give you publicly" Her smile grows bigger and bigger the more I talk and I think she might get stuck if she doesn't stop "What do you say?" "Are you serious?" "Do I look like I'm lying?" She begins to tear up "Sorry I have something in my eye" "I'll take that as a yes" "No, thats a thousand yeses" I stand up and Camila does the same "Well, have a good show, we'll be watching" Camila and Patricia hug and Camila and I walk out of the dressing room and sit in the golf cart. To my surprise its been over an hour since we went in there "Lets get to that show Paul" Without saying anything he drives us to the field entrance and to our suite in the front of the stands which are filled with thousands of fans eagerly waiting for Patricia to come on stage. We get out of the golf cart and sit in our little booth they call a suite, the band is already on stage tuning their instruments and messing around.

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