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204 323 After Awakening (AA)

The Council of Heilar

Planet Zyper


"You are not from here."

"No," I readily agreed.

"You are a space traveller?"

"Yes. Yes, I am. Among other things," I say noncommittally.

"Describe yourself to us."

"Gladly," I say, for talking about me has always been one of my greatest pleasures. I revel in the genius that I am and was not above bragging about it. In fact, I crave an audience, I could go on for

hours but not many were willing to listen, let alone appreciate what I say in a true sense. To be asked to speak about myself was a golden opportunity I was not about to miss. Happily, I open my mouth to pour out a torrent of words from my great wandering mind that were just tumbling over each other in great haste, each thought eager to be spewed forth first.

But as luck would undoubtedly have it, the door to chamber flungopen to reveal none other than my very own progeny. That boy had the very worst timing. My son, to use the more common label for the male version of my progeny, was called Ari Imas. Not only was he unruly and unkempt. He was also seriously odd. Nothing at all like me. Still he had a keen mind and was willing to some extent be taught but he was in no way ready to take on his heritage, to be a scientist, an explorer, an inventor such as myself and as my sire was before me and his was before him and so on and so forth.

"You will release my sire, Bimas Chalwey, to me," said my foolish Ari proving once again that the fruit had indeed fallen far from the tree. A very old saying but so apt.

I decided to savour the moment for while the loss of the opportunity to expound my own greatness was immense to bear, the spectacle that was about to unfold was not without its own merits. There is another famous saying, let the creation speak for itself. My genius would speak

for itself through my progeny and the world will see and appreciate me as his creator.

I did not of course sire my child in the usual sense of the word. No, that would have been too ordinary for the eccentric in me. I had instead, created my progeny through very unusual means. So unusual

there is none other that could recreate my miracle, not even I. It had been a one shot deal that I doubt the natural balances of the universe would permit a repeat of.

If situations so dire were not foretold then nature would not have permitted my meddling to such extent. But things will be dire soon enough and my weapons will be ready to battle it head on. But that

time was not now, it will soon come and we will make ready. It was after all my sole reason for being in my current predicament. For being here at all. Here being Zyper. The planet my Johuan ancestors fled to several millennia's ago and called themselves Heilars. But that was not the strangest part, what had been so strange was that the Heilars no

longer looked like me or my Johuan counterparts, no the Heilars had evolved.

I watched the flash of wings that flared out and fluttered in rising anger as the Council of Heilars glared down at him. Then I watched with pride as Ari stood fast against their intimidation and stretched and unfurled his own wings. It was a clear challenge. The gauntlet has

been tossed and accepted. I sighed at how unnecessary it all was.

I had abandoned Ari Imas, in his infancy on Zyper to reside with his dna provider from this region and left his upbringing in their hands. I had made a bargain with the Heilars that took him in, my intelligence for their care and upbringing of Ari. It had been a good exchange at

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