Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Fight or Flight


"Wha . . . what?" someone screamed. It had not been me, I realised.

After looking about the room, I realised it had not been Xion either,

for he too seemed to be in the same form of numb stupefaction that I

was in. I looked to Bimas, but no, it did not appear to be him either.

"What the fart?" But then there it went again, that same voice. I

surfaced from my hazy cocoon of oblivion, my happy place, the place

where I went when the world was being bad to me or, in this case,

when the world was expecting the impossible from me and would

literally explode if I failed to deliver.

"What the blazes was that?" said that voice again. But no one seemed

to have heard it. No one but me, that is. Then I realised it was the

voice in my head. The voice that belonged to Ari in my head.

"Oh, did you hear that too?" I asked him pleasantly.

"What the gluc bihn pahn . . . ipa pedica, futu ti, bracuk!" Ari went off

into a tirade filled with curses of every sort and in every language he

could manage. It was not pretty. I got pushed out of my happy place at

warp speed.

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Xion had marched off, slamming the door behind him. I wanted to

follow but was undecided, not wanting to leave Bimas alone. I had

many questions for him. Then, I looked at Bimas and saw he still had

that look of expectancy on his face, and that did it for me. Off I went

scuttling out the door after Xion.

"Xion? Xion, wait up," I called out to him as I went, but he strode on

ahead, picking up speed as he went. So I just followed in his wake. I

used the time to think back on what Bimas had been telling us. I was

surprised to note I could actually recall all of if, almost word for word,

even the parts I had not been consciously listening to. Yet another

example of my burgeoning talents. I reanalysed what had been said and

then rephrased it to allow for continuity and, in general, just so that it

made more sense.

Ari decided to help me. So as I walked at a slower pace, now processing

all this information as I went, Art did some research, and Ari updated

me on its findings.

Our focus should be on the black hole. Art has already compiled

a whole database on it, but a summary of the general basics are as

follows: A black hole is a region of space-time continuum from which

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