Chapter N I N E

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Picture on top is Sergio Carvajal who plays David.

I jumped around the room knowing that graduation was about to come up in three months. I was excited! Finally I would be out of school, also known as the dump.

I was planning to take a gap year so but I don't know anymore. I'll have to see, but when I grow up, I want be a nurse. Help the ones in need. "David? Please don't tell me you actually ate the dog poop" I asked him through the phone as I held the phone between my ear and shoulder while wrinkling my nose and painting my toenails.

He chuckled, "No Melissa, of course not"

"Okay good, your friends give you really stupid dares"

"And is that my fault?"

"No, you just have bad luck for finding good friends"

"So are you saying you're not a good friend?"

"NO!" I yelled, "Of course not! I'm wonderful! I'm a great friend"

"Sure sure"

"What are you taking about?"

"I think you already know"

"Are you saying I'm not a good friend?!"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying"

"Well then David, consider my friendship with you, DONE!" I said sarcastically.

"I'm just joking you doofus. I love you and you know that"

"Of course I know that"

"And you don't love me?"


"Fine Melissa, consider my friendship with you, DONE!"

"Alright, fine" I shrugged.

"Seriously Mel? You're so annoying"

"Don't you think I know that? And I do love you!"

"Of course you do!" I could literally hear him smile.

"I think I better get going, I have something to do, not really actually but I'm tired" I said honestly.

"Okay, bye Melissa"

"Bye Dave" I cut the phone call and took my laptop out. I turned it on to Facebook.

New Request from Ryan Heath.
Why would I want to add him? I clicked on his name, remembering what happened yesterday. Over 400 friends? Damn, he basically knows the whole Facebook community. I went through his pictures, I just seem like a stalker but I don't care.

All his pictures are mostly shirtless. And most of them are with girls. Jerk. Why does he have to be such a pervert?!

I read through his wallpaper,

Met a new girl, found her Facebook, requested. You know who you are. Sorry about yesterday if you read this hot girl who's name I shall not mention.
Posted, Today, 4 minutes ago.

Was he talking about me? Of course he was. I went back to the request and accepted. I replied to his post,
Apology Accepted, Jerk.

And hit POST. I soon received a new message on Facebook from.......Marilyn.

(M=Marilyn & Me-Melissa)I

M: Oh my god Mel???!!!

Me: Yeah Marilyn?

M: Was he freaking talking about you?!

Me: Maybe.

M: you realize he just called you hot?

Me: yes, I know that. I know that very well.

M: No way, man.......

Me: what? What's so hard to believe?

M: Ryan! Ryan Heath called you hot!!

Me: Marilyn, please, he's not a celebrity.

M: whatever, Mel. See ya later. And she just literally stopped the conversation.

I loved Marilyn and everything, but one thing that annoyed me about her is that she gets angry very easily, well sometimes that is.

Thanks for reading guys!

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