Chapter9:Fame gone to the head

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Hours later Damion appered in the window. And found Solenia curled up on her bed and back faced to the window.

"Aww what a party! I had a great time!" He saw Solenia curled up on her bed. "Hey princess what's up?" No responce. "Solenia?" "Leave me alone...." she said quietly.

"Solenia what's..." "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" she yelled. "Solenia what's wrong?" "I can't have any boys in my life things go wrong!" "What are you talking about."

"You ditched me for a party I had to sit at the milkshake parlor for 30 minutes alone I had Amy there with me but she had to leave because it was getting late so I had to go home thinking you stood me up...then I came home and got a butt load of crap from my dad!!!"

at this point Solenia was not acting like herself, there was a dark ora surounding her her hair started to turn into black hair with red streaks, and the necklace that the professer gave her was glowing bright red.

"Solenia what's happening to you? know what it dosen't even matter all you have to do is calm down!" he said slowly moving towards her.

Her hair went up and started to smoke.

"Then you wern't here to defend me when I needed you most! That creppy professer William was in my room and-WHAT HE WAS IN YOUR ROOM!!!!!" he interupted. "Yes he was and he was starting to freak me out." He grabbed her shoulders and she started to calm down.

Damion's p.o.v

When she said the William was in her room my anger metter imidiatly went up.

"HE WAS IN YOUR ROOM!!!!" I interupted her. "Yes he was starting to freak me out." I gabbed her shoulders, I had to calm her down before she could tell me anything.

"Look me in the eye." I said couressing her face. I could see her eyes slowly went back the lovely shade of turquoise that I love, her hair turned back to the brown lovely smelling hair I love. Her Cheer outfit turned into her night gown that I thought suited her well.

"Calm down...." I could feel her shaking her whole body was, her eyes started to tear up. After awhile her body relaxed, she started sobbing. "I'm....I' so...sorry!" I embraced her.

"No..i'm sorry I didn't tell you that I decided to go to the party, some knuckle head convinced me to go without telling you, he said that you didn't own me...that I desvered freedom."

"Danny is right I don't own do deserve freedom...from me..." "Listen to me first you don't own me you own my heart two I know you just don't want to let me go again,

I feel the same way and three how did you know that it was Danny that told me to go to the party." "Well Danny is a knuckle head!" I laughed at her statement. "You feel better?" I asked. "Kind of..."

"Oh well is there anything I can do to make you feel better fully?" "....Maybe...." "Well before I can do anything I want you to tell me if William said or did anything to you."

"Well....Um...he was saying that I was mean't to be his in the first place and if I hadn't killed myself I would have been married to him." "Anything else?" I asked as my temper started to boil up.

"He said that...I would be his...And that it's only a matter of time till i'm his." "Anything else!" I said losing my temper. "Your...ugh...squeezing me a bit to hard!" "Oh sorry." "Ok your going to get angry at this one." "Depends what did he do?"

I said putting my hands around her waist. "Well...he...uh..he..tried to kiss me!" I imidatly pulled away from her I didn't want to hurt her I stood by myself for awhile to cool down. "You ok?" she Asked.

I took a giant breath in and out, I couldn't respond. She came over to me and took my hand. "Dose someone need a specail massage?" She said rubbing my back. "Naw i'm good...anyway I can't stay this evening."

"That's ok i'm just glad you came to work this out." "Oh by the way if I see William...I'm gonna punch him tommorow!" "Why?....oh wait nevermind....well if you are going to, do it during lunchtime when no one is around."

"I can't promise that..." we stood there in silence for a few moments. "Hey don't forget we have grad Practice tommorow." "Yeah I know I heard thier going to make a special anoucment."

"Yeah me to anyway I got to go I'll pick you up tommorow morning." "K get home safely." "I will princess!"

The next Day at school...

"Hey guys have you seen Damion this morning?" Solenia asked the others.

"He called me this morning he said he woke up late." The pa came on. "Will all the students head to the autotorium for our daily assemblely...thankyou. "Well let's go." Danny said.

They got to the gym and sat at a high spot so if Damion came in he could see them. "Welcome students to our last asemblely before the graduation." Everyone started to cheer.

"Now, now settle down, we have a new student, his name is Caleb strip." "C..Caleb?" "Solenia do you know him?" Amy asked. "Y..yeah I havn't seen him in a long time I moved when I was 8." "So you havn't seen him in 10 years!"

"I guess so...He look's really diffrent." Just then Damion came into the gym out of breath. He spotted them and waved. She waved back. He came up and sat beside her. "Hey sleepy head what's up."

"Ugh I slept so well I partied to hard." "Aww yeah bro!" Danny gave him a fist bump. "Now Caleb go sit next to Damion,Solenia,Amy, and Danny. "Thankyou mam." Caleb climbed the stairs and sat next to Solenia.

"Caleb strip it's actually you!" "Um do I know you?"

"Here, Caleb give me back my juice box! You have your own it's not fair!" "Luna? Oh my god I can't believe it's you, you look so diffrent." "So do you, oh I also go by Solenia now aperently it's my real name."

"I like that name better than Luna." She giggled. "So you ready for your cheer meet?" he asked excitedly. "Oh yeah that's tommorow!" "Yeah and you'll be heading there from my house because...."

"I'm staying over at your house this evening right?" "Bingo! Your so smart." "Now without further a do it's time to anounce the villidictorian!" "Oh cool I wonder who it is?" Solenia asked.

"It's Kara it's always Kara she personally makes sure it's her." "Well maybe she's not this time just shush and listen." "Now you valididctorian is..." Kara started to get up from the row below them. "Solenia!" she yelled.

Solenia was shocked. "What?" Kara and Solenia both said. "Well go on down Solenia." She started to go down, everyone clapped.

The princible passed on the microphone to her. "Thankyou, thankyou everyone!

I am honoured but I couldn't have done this without my great friends Amy and Danny!" they stood up and waved. Everyone clapped. "And my biggest suport Damion for being by me through most of my obsticles." Everyone clapped.

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