Throughout the Decades

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The last time I saw Damon was when I left mystic falls 150 years ago, but I have been keeping tabs on him just to make sure he doesn't go all crazy once he realizes that "the love of his life" Katherine never loved him. I have also been keeping an eye on Stefan, watching as he falls off and on the wagon. I want to help him, but there is really nothing that I could do. So instead, I sent my friend lexi to help him with his blood lust. Then in the 20's I met up with him at a bar in Chicago, owned by a witch named Gloria. Gloria and I became good friends, and we talked often. The weird thing about the twenties is that I have these huge black holes in my memory.

After the twenties I decided that I wanted to travel, and experience new cultures. So I traveled and lived in Europe up into the 60s. I lived in Paris, where I met my best friend . I tried to hide my vampirism from her, but with her being my only friend I just had to tell her. She wasn't afraid of me, she actually found it interesting and wanted me to turn her. So I did.

Addie and I left Paris to travel some more. We stayed in France until 1980, living in Toulouse and then Marseillaise. After the 80's I decided it was time for me to return home, or at least in my home country. Addie came with me because we were all we had.

We lived in New Orleans until the 90's, then we moved to a little beach house on the coast of North Carolina.

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