Chapter 7

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I turned to Ludwig, sliding my arm around his, and began to follow Lovino and Toni through the increasing amounts of people. Lovino seemed to be in frantic mode, he wouldn't tell anyone, and you couldn't tell, but he was freaking out. I could tell though, I could tell because he was taking long strides (so long that Toni had to run to stay beside him), staring straight ahead and not talking. Giddily, I excitedly skipped after them, Ludwig at my heal.

Eventually, Lovino found himself at Starbucks, I let him order first then slipped inside and ordered after him. I think he saw me, but he only briefly gave me the scariest look in the world, before turning to Toni.

"What was that about?" The Spaniard cheered, and Lovino rolled his eyes.

"My stupid brother being stupid." He replied, taking a sip from his coffee.  "He was probably drunk."

Toni raised his eyebrows. "He drinks?"

"We both do. He just does it more responsivley."

Toni broke into a fit of laughter, and I had to stifle mine.

"Oh my God, I want to see you drunk." The happier of the two males laughed.

"It's really not that hard. Just bring good Italian wine and I'm game." Lovino stated. "Just don't be surprised if we end up fucking or something." He added, and Toni burst into a new fit of giggles.

Lovino glanced over at me, and I gave him the thumbs up. He flipped me off, then turned to Toni and rested his head on his hand, doing what I called the 'Italian stare'. Basically, he was looking irresitable, biting down on his lip slowly and staring at Toni with sexy eyes.

Toni raised his eyebrows and swallowed, then smirked. "I think I definatley want to see you drunk." He grinned.

Lovino rolled his eyes and smirked. "Then come to Ollie's with me tonight." He stated, taking a sip from his drink.

"Fair enough." Toni replied, and grinned to himself.

Lovino sighed, whipped out his phone, then texted someone. I realized it was me when my phone went off.

Lovino: fuck you

F: Pleasant.

Lovino: who the fuck are you showing this to

F: What?

Lovino: dont play dumb i can see him hes right there next to you

F: TeeHee :3

Lovino: hey blondie who the fuck are you and why are you with my fucking brother

F: He's Luddy. And don't be rude.

Lovino: im not interested in being polite

F: So that's Toni?

Lovino: yh y?

F: He's hot.

Lovino: so r u tryin to get me a bf or steal him urself

F: Shh, get off your phone and be social.

Lovino: fuck you

He slipped his phone into his pocket and began chatting with Toni again,  slipping in the odd lip bite or eyelash flutter. I giggled, flipped out my phone, then texted him pne last time.

F: My work here is done, so keep it up! Going to go with Luddy now, bye <3

Lovino: tell the potato bastard to keep his hands off

I rolled my eyes ans hopped off my seat, linking arms with Ludwig. I knew Lovino would look, so I purposefully leaned in to the German and smiled a little. He blushed and smiled back, and as I walked out the door, I gave Lovino a slight spiteful wave. He flipped me off again, then turned to Toni to talk.

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