Chapter Fourteen

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It's been a month since dinner with Jason and my brother and they have surprisingly gotten along quite well. Me and Kolby are in our condo with Bubba and today is Jason's day to come over and see her, she is getting really use to him and doesn't cry when I hand her to him and leave. I was finishing my hair when he knocked on the door. I walked to the door and saw him standing there with a dozen roses and a bag and of course his handsome smile.
"Jason what is this?" I ask opening the the door more for him to come in.
"I got you some flowers and Kolby a present." He said kissing my head and handing me the flowers.
"Thank you their beautiful." I told him smiling up at him and kissing his cheek.
"She is taking her nap now but she should be waking up soon." I told him walking to the kitchen to get a vase.
"Oh that's fine that way she isn't grumpy. How's work?" He said sitting at the island watching me put the flower up.
"Works good. Stressful but good. What about you? I heard you're working as a correctional officer. How is that?" I ask sitting the flowers on the island.
"It's good. Long hours but good pay. And great benefits." He told me looking at me. I couldn't but stare back with love in my eyes. I got interrupted by my phones ringing I walked over to the counter to answer of course it was Nathan.
"Sorry it's Nathan. If I don't answer he'll keep calling." I told Jason.
"It's okay I hear Kolby anyways I'll go get her." He said walking down the hall to her room.
"Nathan hello." I told him sitting at the counter.
"Ava. Please come home I miss you and Kolby. This big house is to big for just me. I love you." He pleaded to me.
"Nathan no. I have made up my mind and I have told you that it is Jason."
"He is a piece of shit. He will never be the father I was to her!" He yelled at me through the phone.
"Nathan stop. I will not be talked to like that and don't you dare say that about her father." I told him. "Have a good day Nathan. Goodbye." I hung up placing my head in hands.
I heard a little laugh come from Kolbys room. I got up to go see what she was doing. I stood in the doorframe and saw Jason playing with her he was tickling her and seeing her and him smiled took all my stress away. I walked into the room.
"Look there's mama." Jason said picking her up and turn in to me.
"What did Nathan want?" He asked looking down at me.
"Oh the same thing as always wanting us to come home and all that crazy stuff." I told him looking at Kolby look at me.
"What did you tell him?.." He asked.
I looked up at him. "That I wasn't coming home. And that I have made my decision." I told him looking up at him.
"And what is that?" He asked.
"This." I whispered to him as I leaned up to kiss him. I could tell he wasn't expecting it but immediately kissed back I could t help but smile in the kiss. He slowly pulled away.
"You mean it?" he said.
"Yes. I want us back. I love you." I told him kissing him again.

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