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Merlin's POV

"Merlin do this, Merlin do that, really is this all I'm good for?" Merlin says as he reaches down to pick up a rather beautiful and familiar piece of lavender colored velvet. He eyes the fabric absentmindedly as he tries to remember where he had seen it before. 

"MERLIN!" He hears Arthur's voice boom out and he turns to see the young crown prince staring at him eyes wide with anger. 

"Yes sire?" 

Arthur stomps over to him and ripping the lavender cloth out of his hand says, "What are you doing with this?" 

Merlin stares wide eyed as he says, "It was cleaning and it was on the floor-"

"Oh, my apologies then." Arthur looks down at the cloth and a look of longing fills his face. 

"Are you okay?" Merlin asks as he stares into his friends eyes.

"I'm fine," He says as his grip tightens around the cloth, "You can go Merlin, I will not need you today." Noticing the look of sadness on his friend's face he nods and quickly walks out of the room where he meets Gwen as she hastily makes her way down the corridor. 

"Gwen!" Merlin calls out as he runs up to walk alongside her. 

"Hello Merlin," 

"I have a question for you," 

"Okay what would you like to know?" 

"Do you know why Arthur is overly moody today?" 

Gwen sighs as she says; "It must be that time again," 

Merlin narrows his eyes in confusion as he says, "What time?" 

Gwen sighs as she looks around before she motions for him to sit on the stairs next to her. "About two years before you came here there was a girl, she was a handmaiden as I am and a very kind and gently beauty; of course she wasn't one to catch the eye right off. No one paid her any mind and that was how she liked it, which was until Arthur saved her life while she was out gathering flowers for Morgana. From that moment on the two were inseparable, always together. When she had chores to do he was there with her helping her, he had even started teaching her to protect herself with a sword. Everyone was amazed that the prince would have an interest in her so soon people started accusing her of witchcraft, of course Arthur stood up for her saying he wasn't bewitched that he had fallen in love with her kindness and soft eyes. In the end it didn't matter how much Arthur stood up for her, she disappeared one night leaving no trace behind. I guess there is only so much gossip you can take."

"And Arthur?" 

"Arthur was devastated, even went out in search of her but it was for not. Every year since her disappearance around this time Arthur becomes distant and unbearable." 

Merlin sighs as he looks back the way he had come and says, "He must have really loved her." 

"I believe so, _______ was a great friend. I miss her." 

"_______?!" Merlin says as the name rings a bell in his mind. 

"Yes, her name was _______, why?" 

"I've gotta go, if anyone asks for me will you tell them I am ill?" 

Gwen narrows her eyes questioningly as she says, "Yes?" 

"Thanks Gwen." Merlin says as he rushes off to Gaius's chambers.

"What are you doing?" Gaius asks as he watches as Merlin packs some clothes into a sack.

 "Do you remember a girl named _________?" Merlin asks as making Gaius's expression turn to one of concern. 

"What about the girl?"

 "I know where she is!"

"What do you mean you know where she is, no one knows where she is?" 

Merlin smiles as he says, "I do," 


"Around the time she went missing a girl with the same name showed up in my village, she was weak and starving so my mother took her in and she's been living with her ever since." 

"I can't believe it," 

Merlin lifts his sack full of clothes and food onto his arm and starts to walk past Gaius when the older man grabs his arm, "What are you planning to do?" 

"I know _______ better than anyone; I know she isn't a witch. I'm going to convince her to come back to Camelot." 

"What brought all this on?" 

Merlin's sighs as he says, "Arthur deserves to know she is alright, and besides I know she still loves him."

"How do you know that?" 

"She's like a sister to me; I can tell she longs for him to find her." 

"Merlin there may be more forces at play here than you are aware of, like a reason she left."

 "And I will ask her when I see her." 

"Merlin, are you not being a bit rash in your decision?" Merlin shrugs his shoulders as he quickly makes his way out of the castle and toward his village to find out the truth about _______'s sudden disappearance.

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