Happy Endings - End

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Reader's Pov

The cell they had put you in had four walls with no windows and only a door to let light in. You had curled up in a corner and were trying not to cry. You knew what was going to happen next you had seen it many times before. The last thing you had ever wanted was for the people you loved to have to see you die but there was no way you could keep them away. Merlin had called out to you in the square but you had ignored him. It was for his own good and protection. You were fine with giving yourself up but you wouldn't let anyone hurt your dear friend.

You heard a knock on your cell door and then it opened to reveal Morgana tears staining her face. "What are you doing here?" You ask as you slowly stand up. 

She rushes over and wrapping her arms around your neck says, "I know you're not a witch, I wish you could have stayed hidden." 

You wrap your arms around her as you say, "Thank you for believing in me. It's nice to have a friend like you." 

She quickly pulls away and says, "Just wait Arthur won't let Uther kill you." 

You shake your head as you say, "I don't want him to be there when it happens, and it will because it is inevitable. Please promise me you will keep him away and not let him do something stupid." Morgana shakes her head at first but then after looking into your pleading eyes she nods and says, "I will try my best. But why are you giving up?"

You sigh as you say, "I'm tired, and tomorrows outcome is inevitable. In a way I have accepted it. At least I'll be with my family again."

 Morgana wiped her tears as she says, "I will miss you," 

"And I shall miss you. Goodbye my friend." Morgana nodded and then with one last hug she left leaving you alone with your thoughts. You silently prayed that somehow she would succeed in keeping Arthur away. You were doing this to protect your friends and who knows maybe dying wouldn't be that hard.

The next morning came faster than you thought it would as the sound of the key in the lock woke you from your sleep. You looked toward the door to see Arthur standing in the doorway. "To what do I owe the honor your highness?" You say as you slowly stand up to face him. 

"I've come to save you." He says hope filling his eyes. 

You force a smile as you say, "If you were to save me your father would know it was you. Thank you but I will stay here." 

His eyes darken as he says, "Why won't you let me save you? I could handle my father."

 You shake your head as you say, "I can't let you do that." He stomps toward you and reaching forward grabs your hand and starts to lead you toward the door. Jerking your hand from his grasp you say, "Arthur please, just let me go." 

His blue eyes search yours as he says, "I can't let you die." 

"You're not letting me die I'm choosing it." 

He narrows his eyes a look of hurt and betrayal filling his face as he says, "Why would you ever choose to die?" 

You gently reach up and placing your hand on his cheek as you say, "I want you to live a long and happy life and the only way I can do that is to just let what's about to happen, happen."

"I don't want you too."

Tears sting your eyes as you try to hold them back. "Arthur, if things were different I would gladly run away with you; but alas they are not."

"Please ______, don't do this." Arthur says as he reaches up and gently runs his finger along your jaw line making your heart flurry. You stare into his blue eyes trying to come up with something, anything; to get him to leave but your heart wouldn't let you. 

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