Chapter Seven - Secrets of the Soul

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Heyy guys! I'm soo sorry that it has been so long since I've updated this story, but here is an update of over 2,000 words and I will hopefully update again before Sunday! Anyway Happy Thursday, I hope all you enjoy the last of the summer, I still have a week left so thats good considering I haven't done any of my homework :')
Much love, K x
Ever since that day, the day Kensi and Deeks went all in, they have been in 'hiding'. They both had different reasons for why they wanted to keep their relationship a secret.

Deeks wanted to keep it a secret because he wanted Kensi to remain happy. Because when they were in their own little bubble of happy couple moments she was truly happy and so was he. He knew it was selfish, to try and keep Kensi to himself the first time he saw her truly happy since Afghanistan but he loved her and that meant he was allowed to have little selfish moments like that.

Kensi wanted to keep the relationship a secret because they were happy. Because when they were in their own little bubble of happy couple moments they were happy and safe. That's what Kensi wanted, to be happy and safe with the person she loved and that was what she had when she was with Deeks. But Kensi knew that if they didn't keep their relationship a secret that it wouldn't be safe for Deeks. She knew that there were people in both of their lives that wouldn't approve but Kensi also knew that their would be people ready to throw a 'it's about time' party.

Despite the different reasons for why they wanted to keep the relationship a secret they knew it that it was going to be difficult to do so. Kensi knew that people was starting to catch on, it was becoming increasingly difficult to lie to her friends. Nell had become especially difficult, she kept asking questions about why Kensi had been so mysterious.

Kensi felt bad about lying to her best friend and sister. So one day she spoke to Deeks about it.
Kensi's pov

Me and Deeks are at the new place for the weekend, we bought a bigger one together further out so that we had a place away from work and everyone. It wasn't that far to be honest, a two hour drive, but it was far enough away for them not to realise.

Work yesterday was a bitch. Nell wanted me to go shopping today with her but when I said I already have plans she got suspicious. Its horrible lying to her, she is my best friend and my sister. She even knows about my feelings for Deeks.

She just doesn't know about whats happened since mine and Deeks' chat back at christmas.

I really do need to talk to Deeks about it, I have to tell her.

"Kens, are you coming?" I hear Deeks yell. I chuckle at his happiness then run out after him. It is 5am and Deeks is dragging me surfing with him saying we need exercise. I beg to differ, we do plenty of exercise together, you would think he would understand, especially after last nights events.
Deeks' pov

We have been out on the waves. Me and Kens own a beautiful small two story beach property. The road is higher so the white modern building seems to float from pillars that come out of the sand. There are no other properties for miles up the beach so when me and Kens can to view the places everything was perfect. It's our home together, where we don't have to hide and can have photos hanging without worrying the guys will see them.

Kensi has been distracted, she usually doesn't mind coming out for a surf but today something is on her mind.

"Kens!" I call as I stick my board in the sand next to hers and walk over to her. She is sitting further up the beach, closer to the house.

I pull Kensi into a hug as soon as I'm sat next to her. "What's wrong Kens? Is everything okay?" I ask, desperate to understand now.

"I don't know how longer we can hide us Deeks, I mean we own a house together and are friends don't even know we love each other" Kens cries into my shoulder.

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