*Not An Update* *IMPORTANT*

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First of all, I want you all to know that I have no excuses which can make up for the time that I have left this story hanging.

But I would still like to give my sincerest apologies to all of those who have continued to read and comment and just be supportive of this story on a whole.

You all mean so much to me and just with how well this story has been going makes me proud and happy that I have been able to make so many of you so interested.

I would like you all to know that I will be continuing this story and have got chapters in the works. It's just taken me time to re-adjust to everything going on at the moment.

You see, I am in my most important school year to date and I have already started sitting my GCSEs. I have been so busy with sorting out interviews and between homework and family time I haven't had much time to write. On top of all of this I will be moving in August so all of my interviews have been arranged with travel in mind and so have taken a lot of attention and planning. I am also sad to say that I have also been experiencing writers block, particularly with this story and one I currently have in the works and plan on releasing once I have completed my GCSEs.

Like I said, none of this is a good enough excuse for not at least leaving you all with some kind of update but the truth is I wasn't sure of when I would be able to return to this story.

Today I returned home from a ten day holiday out in Canada. A small family and close family friend trip which was absolutely amazing and thought provoking. I'm glad to announce that this trip has helped to return my inspiration for this story.

I have ordered a new keyboard for my tablet which I write on and I am hoping for that to arrive within the next 3 days and after this I can begin writing up all the words I have down on paper.

As I said before, I cannot be sure, but I am hoping to have re-started updating for all of you lovely lot this coming weekend or the weekend after.

I thank all of you for your continued support and am so grateful for your comments.

I however do have one thing to ask all of you before I conclude today.

I would like you all to leave small prompts for little scenes you would like to be written for this story; something which could be written as a flashback or maybe a reconnecting scene between Kensi and some of the guys at OSP.
Please leave your prompts in the comments so that you could all maybe bounce ideas back and forth between one another so that I can get an greater idea of what I can write in the future for you all.

Thankyou all once again

Much love,
        - K

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