Chapter 13

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Hey guys. Long time no see eh? I'm sorry that it has taken me forever and a lifetime to not only write this update but post it. The last chapter of this story will be 15. So this story is a wrapping up now, I feel bad for dragging it on the way I have with the slow updates. I just didn't plan ahead well enough, haven't been good at time management and lately have been swamped with college assignments. I'm afraid to say that this chapter isn't as long as I had hoped it would be either. I wanted to make it interesting, everything has become so sudden and I didn't want to ruin it and the only way I could get the length is was to keep writing.

So I split this chapter into two, hence why it is shorted than my usual updates. I am hoping to have this story finished my Christmas, I've been writing it for over a year now, and to only have 13 chapters is a joke.

Please leave ideas for one shots you would like to read, whether it be this fandom or another fandom I do not mind. Heck you can even leave ideas for one shots about life, if you're struggling with something message me and I can give it a go at writing a one shot on how someone else might deal with that problem, maybe it can help you out.

I love you guys, stay awesome and keeping reading and writing.

Forever in my thoughts guys, don't be shy and leave a promt!

Much love

K xo

No Ones PoV

Everyone was unsettled since Kensi was taken away to hospital hours before, unsettled about not knowing what was going on with her and unsettled about the developments in the case. Eric was in a panic, stressing over Nell being in a stressful situation. She didn't look pregnant, being in the first trimester still even though in a few days she would be in the second, but she had started to show slightly.

Eric was panicking over the entire situation, they hadn't told the team yet because they felt it was a private thing but the team was aware of their relationship so all the extra care Eric had been showing Nell had been put down to that so far.

Everyone was broken, it hurt them all knowing that Kensi was in the hospital with only Nell sat by her side while they were all doing their best to find Deeks. Truth was, they were all losing faith that Deeks was going to be okay by now.

It had simply been too long for Deeks to be okay now, and that scared everyone. No one knew what state of mind Deeks would be in when they found him, granted that he was alive. No one even knew they would find him anymore.

But still they worked hard, harder on this case then they have on any other. No one got a lot of sleep, they hardly went home and Sam and Callen spent most days out on the streets following up any lead, no matter how unlikely they were to find any real information.

Nell worked from the hospital, not wanting to leave Kensi alone during the day and she would go back to OSP during the night to get what little sleep she could on the beds they had set up. Everyone was working till stupid hours of the night, getting very little sleep to wake up early in the morning.

No one wanted to waste daylight. Occasionally the boys would spend the night on stake outs, getting in at stupid times of the day and only willing to waste an hour of the next day to sleep.

Days were slow, information wasn't reliable and the team was drained. But hours passed by, turning into days and into weeks and soon it had been a month.

Kensi was still in the hospital but she was heathier than before and the twins were nearing their birth. The doctors were doing their best to keep Kensi asleep until the week her babies were born, giving both her and the twins a fighting chance.

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