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Riley's pov
I know y/n  wasn't part of my family but still I was invited and y/n wanted me to go to help her out.
So I said yes.

So here we are watching the little coffin be brought to the hole called a grave.
Y/n cried on my shoulders.
"I know. I know." I rubbed her back.
I felt Like something was watching us so I turned and saw Leo and his brothers on a roof top watching the funeral.
I sighed and took out my phone and texted Leo.
Me: hey. :(
Leo: hey.
Me: I know it's sad. :(
Leo: I wish we could of done something!
Me: Leo there's nothing you could of had done. Don't blame yourself.
Leo: why shouldn't I? We could have saved her!
Me: Leonardo hamato! There was nothing you could do! Please stop blaming yourself. Come by my house and we all can watch a movie to take our minds off.
Leo: fine. Be there around 10:00. :(
Me: show me a smile!
Leo: *fakes a smile* :)
Me: hardy har har! Come on you can do it!
Leo: fine! :)
Me: isn't that better?!
Leo: I guess. See you later Riley.
Me: see you Leo. :)
Leo: :(
Me: LEO!
Leo: lol. :)
I sighed and put my phone away and watched the rest of the funeral.
*time skip*
Me and y/n walked home that night.
It was tha saddest night ever!
Everyone just keeps walking like nothing happened.
Some people.
As we got closer to my house I felt eyes on my back. I turned and saw Donnie.
I smiled.
"Let's go to the roof y/n."
Y/n looked up and nodded
When we got to the roof Donnie gave y/n a hug
"I'm so sorry."
"It's ok. It was the purple dragons I'm sure. There always drunk."
He nodded bad looked at me.
"Your make up is running."
I nodded.
"I know. It's been raining all day. Worst day ever."
He chuckled and we all walked home.
And the rest of the night me and Donnie plus Leo kept y/n happy and not sad. :)!

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