Chapter four

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Authors note: how's it going so far guys? I hope it is well. This story may be a long one from what I am getting from the ideas coming to me.

Red wedding promise

He noted the impudent human girl moving about the crowds. The way she moved was strangely graceful and light of foot. Familiar to him in a way. He half listened to the human king talking of how beneficial for both sides trading with him would be. He noted the girls heated look thrown their way.

Surprisingly he wasn't the reason for it, it was instead the king beside him that held her... Contempt.

'I would kill some kings just to spite them..' He remembered her words.

His curiosity piqued at the many questions that came with what he saw in those eyes. A hatred so deep and long that she surely fought with it everyday. From what he had seen she appeared to want peace enjoying the simple life of working with the earth and surviving off it. Was this hatred something that she fought everyday. That was something  he could understand.

He felt the tingle of awareness against the illusion of a whole unscarred cheek. He knew what a struggle it was to fight against the darker side of your own nature. He wondered what the cause was for this one.

"Excuse me a moment king Thranduil I must speak with my son. " the human nodded to the man obviously standing beside the entryway.

He noted eventually that the human owning this place went to the girl who had taken a moment to rest and was asking her of something she didn't like at all. She eventually relinquished to the man and stepped into the center of the room where the crowd had made room.

"Tell me lads do you know how a red wedding goes? Do you dare wish to hear the sad tell of one I know well?" She called the simple farm woman who almost put off a sense of wanting to disappear suddenly took on the ways of a queen and barely any could take their eyes off her.

"There once was a time when the northerners sang, of a king they had crowned more a boy than a man.
More a pup than a wolf with the cold of the realm in his eyes.

He had broken a vow to the lords of the twins. Wed a stranger a beauty but a promise there'd been. So the lord Frey demanded a bridegroom as compromise.'

And the timber groan river wind softly moaned. Oh the king in the north doesn't know how a red wedding goes."

A sad strumming followed the woman's opening and the men and woman stomped their foot in time giving the music a heartbeat.

"Oh the feasting was plenty and the singing in tune and the stock wolves they howled neath their northern moon. So loud were their cries that the closing of doors was drowned out!

Lady Kaitlin alone had the river sharp ear her dancing reels turned to the rains of castinel. But in her skin and bones growled a creature of doubt.

And the timbers groaned river wind softly moaned. Oh the king in the north soon will know how a red wedding goes. "

The girl looked human, her fäe seemed human, and even her voice was human. For some strange unknown reason he had the strangest sense that she was in fact not human. He caught the eye of the owner and motioned him over.

"Who is that girl?" He asked bluntly

"That is simply Nessy she owns a farm not far from here. The whiskey you drink is hers. Good voice though." He shrugged.

"Well I don't recall her family? Is she new to the area?" He was a master at disguising interrogation for simply curiosity.

"Aye recent enough for you not to remember her family. "

"Ah that must be what piqued my interest. "

"There were arrows and daggers and the touch of them burned from players to slayers in an instant were turned. And the foreigner queen was the first to fall under the knife.

With two arrows in him the king crawled to her side. While his mother she pleaded for the lord to subside. But he'd taken their word and to break it meant no right to life

And the timbers groaned river wind softly moaned oh the king in the north now he knows how a red wedding goes. '
'Lord Bolton approached with a thrust to robs heart and gave him the lanister Lions regards and the king a mother wept for her last words and call her to him'

His eyes widened at the realization of what exactly this song spoke of. The taking over of the old kings here and the treachery that would come in recompense. The whole valley for the last hundred years had been in a brutal civil war because of it. Most of it dealt with ideas and beliefs. Allegiances owed. There was a group of fighters that actually did fight to take the current king and his line off the throne.

'To sing this song is treson!' He gaped at her courage and stupidity.

'Oh the timbers groan
But the north waits they know
That one day the blood that they are owed
Will run neath their soles. '

"What is going on here!" The angry yell of the king cut the playing off.

"You girl! You dare to sing of such treason!" He spat gliding up to her and giving her a studying look.

"It is but a song a tale of truth. Is it treason to tell the truth?" She drawled completely at ease with the mans anger.

"Anything about the ruling family or happening on these lands will be determined as right and wrong by the ruling family. " he glowered. "Or do I need to teach you your place girl?"

"You can try as much as you like. I don't know if you will do any good."

'She almost laughing at him to his face' he closed his mouth that had a fallen open with shock at the situation before him.

"You know you look strangely familiar girl." He took on a look of perplexed thought. "Oh yes just like the queen long ago. Her picture hangs in my study. Mhm what a luscious thing she was" there the flash of anger and hatred. "It would be a pity for any more luscious things to be ruined don't you think?" He leaned back from murmuring in her ear.

"Careful luscious things can kill you the same as anything else can. It's the strike from something like that that you will never see coming. " she drawled back.

"Sing the song again and I will come visit your farm and before I leave it burning I will cut your tongue out."

"Your kindness knows no bounds my king" she bowed almost mockingly.

"King Thranduil I must be away I apologize our meeting wasn't for very long but bandits have been spotted near here. So I leave you" he returned the nod of deference to the human king.

His eyes didn't follow that of the king but remained on the woman that gazed at the exiting king with such dark hatred he could feel it crawling over his skin.

Dark promises and curiosity dwelled there between the meeting of their gazes and then she left. His eyes stayed on the door she left out of.

'Who are you?'

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