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33 days.

Harry: Groans

Harry: Cries.

Harry: Dies.

Louis: Harold, what do you think you are doing?

Harry: My arms are so sore.

Louis: Too much wanking?

Harry: haha so funny Louis. Best joke ever.

Louis: I can smell the sarcasm from here.

Harry: I wish you could see me shrugging.

Louis: Anywhore, why does your arms hurt?

Harry: I had to carry in a bunch of boxes in the store.

Louis: Hey, at least you'll get some muscle.

Louis: You can spank me a little harder.

Harry: Loueh what the heck are ya doing?

Louis: You didn't even spank me when you got here despite all the times I've been naughty.

Harry: Naughtier than naughty boy?

Louis: You killed the mood, thanks.

Harry: No problem, baby.

Harry: Have you been looking this stuff up or something?

Louis: No I learned this stuff from you u.u

Harry: *smirking emoji*

Louis: Also I watched some really good porn and I'm very horny.

Harry: NO

Louis: WHAT?

Harry: You can't watch other guys. Nope. No no. Not acceptable.


Harry: You can only see my naked body, yours and our future kids.


Harry: Uhhhhh yeah.

Louis: But first, marriage.

Harry: I moaned out loud.

Louis: So do you really want to have children?

Harry: Of course. Even as young as we are, I'd love to have kids someday.

Louis: I'm so in love with you ugh.

Harry: Good because my feelings are the same.

Louis: We're the cheesiest of them all.

Harry: Team cheese.

Louis: Three more days until you come up here. I'm holding you to that.

Harry: and five days until the move in.

Louis: Well that is if we can stuff all of my boxes into your car.

Harry: You're not getting a moving truck?

Louis: You know, I never thought about that.

Harry: Of course you didn't c:

Louis: Oh hush you.

Harry: You love me.

Louis: Sadly.

Harry: sADLY?

Harry: bYE

Louis: NoOoOooOoOoOooOoOo DON'T LEAVE

Harry: Okay I won't baby boy, I love you.

Louis: Actually I have to start packing the rest of my clothes and shoes.

Louis: I didn't realize how much I had until my mom had brought up a bunch of boxes from the basement :/

Harry: OK OK, Should I bring Niall so he could help us pack on thursday?

Louis: yeah, I'll bring Zayn. It'd be faster that way.

Harry: Okay cool.

Louis: Okay, babe I love you.

Harry: I love you more.

Louis: Talk to you tomorrow?

Harry: Of course, baby.



I would've updated earlier but I'm having a Hannah Montana marathon :)

Follow my instagram @ kik.fanfic and send/tag some pictures.

KIK •Harry x Louis•حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن