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It was the day. Two years after that day in the park, they were finally getting married. It wasn't small either, the church they got was one of the biggest ones in London. Most of Louis' family came, alone it's Harry's sister and her husband, and of course Louise, who was now ten. Of course, most of their friends came also.

It was already started, everyone was sat down, Harry now waiting at the from of the chapel with the priest standing in the middle, Niall by his side. On the other side was Zayn, waiting for Louis to come down the isle.

"You alright, mate?" Niall asked Harry. His hands were visibly shaking and he kept making sure his hair was pushed away from his face.

"Just fine." He responded really fast, tensing when the pale hand squeezed his shoulder in reassurance. He was just nervous, that's all. What if Louis decided to run out at the last minute? There was a low chance of that. But still. Harry was a worrier and over thinker.

His whole body went rigid when the music started to play and Louise, their flower girl, started coming down the isle, throwing rose petals from left to right as she walked down.

Finally, Louis came out, his arm hooked around his mothers, since he wasn't on very good terms with his father as you know, his hair pushed back into a quiff and a tight black suit clinging to his body. He just looked so perfect in Harry's eyes.

At the thought of being with Louis forever had brought Harry to tears, his eyes tearing up and a smile coming to his face. Of course they were happy tears. He would be with the love of his life forever, hopefully. It seemed like an eternity before Louis had walked up to the front and in front of his fiancé, soon to be husband.

A few seconds later, everyone sat down and things got quiet, the minister straightening up and looking over the crowd of faces. The couple were visibly shaking and obviously very emotional at the moment, the two getting ready to burst into tears at any moment.

"Friends and relatives, we have come here today at the invitation of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson to share in the joy of their wedding. This outward celebration that we shall see and hear, I believe, is an expression of the inner love and devotion they have in their hearts toward one another. I believe marriage is of God, and Louis and "Harry come today desiring to be united in this sacred relationship of marriage." The minister looked at the two and then back at the crowd.

"Who is giving this man to be married to this man?"

"Me and Harry's mother do." Jay spoke from the front row, raising a hand up, slowly.

The minister nods and turns to the couple getting married. "The ceremony of marriage in which you come to be united is one of the first and oldest ceremonies in the entire world, celebrated in the beginning in the presence of God himself. Marriage is a gift in that we give ourselves totally to one another. I believe that marriage is a gift given to comfort the sorrows of life and to magnify life's joys.

Marriage is the clasping of hands, the blending of two hearts, the union of two lives into one, and your marriage must stand, not by the authority of the State, nor by the seal on your wedding certificate, but by the strength and power of the faith and love you have in one another." He spoke out in a soft but loud tone for everybody to hear.

"Now, will you please pass your flowers, turn and face one another and join hands to express your vows of love and devotion each to the other."

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