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The ride home had been quiet, the two still trying to process. How was it possible for a man to get pregnant? Louis shifted in his seat, clenching the pill bottle in his hands, the prescription he was supposed to take everyday. It helped the baby and his insides, making sure it caused no damage.

"So.. We're having a kid." Louis spoke quietly, afraid of Harry's reaction. Would he be mad? Regretful? Hopefully none of those.

"I know. I'm so excited." The response surprised Louis and when he turned, he saw Harry smiling widely, his dimples showing. "I know we're young, but I just-- I'm so excited." He said yet again, reaching over and placing his hand on his boyfriends leg.

"I'm only sixteen, Harry. I don't know if I'm ready to be a parent.. Although it would be nice." He reconsidered, thinking of him and Harry taking care of a child. Watching the little girl or boy grow up in front of their eyes. "The baby will be born by the time I'm seventeen, right?" He asked softly, placing a hand on his stomach.

"I believe so." Harry pulled into the driveway and parked before getting out. Louis followed and they got up to the door. It was now past four in the morning but both boys seemed to be wide awake now. "We'll do great being parents. I mean I've had lots of practice on Louise and you had your sisters to deal with."

The younger boy smiled and reached up, pecking Harry's lips before watching him open the door and walk in. He threw the car keys on the table before turning to Louis and grabbing his waist, pulling him closer. "Harry, aren't you scared?" Louis asked, placing his small hands on Harry's chest. "The lady said there's a chance I could die-"

"Please don't talk about that now." Harry whispered, shutting his eyes tight and leaning his forehead against Louis'. "You're not going to die. You're not allowed to, I do not approve." He said, running his hands up and down Louis' sides, calming him down.

"I'm sorry. I'm just scared."

"As long as you take the medication and get daily check ups, you'll be fine, okay? I love you, baby." He muttered, leaning down, kissing Louis' lips over and over. "When should we tell your mom?" Harry asked after pulling away.

"When she comes down for the weekend. I want to tell her in person." Louis responded back, biting his lip. "I'm really tired now, Harry."

"Cmon, let's go sleep, yeah?" Louis nodded at Harry's words and the two made their way over to the bedroom.

"Uhm-- Harry?" When he heard Harry hum indicating he was listening, he continued. "Would we still be able to have sex?" He blushed in embarrassment. It was a weird thing to ask but he doesn't think he'd be able to wait nine months, or under, to have sex with Harry.

"Yeah, if you want. I don't mind." Harry chuckled and closed the bedroom door behind them, patting Louis bum gently. "As long as we're careful and don't hurt the baby." He wrapped his arms around the other from behind and gently kissed the top of his head.

Louis smiled when Harry rubbed his stomach, leaning back into his touch. "Of course we'd be careful, doofus." He chuckled and teasingly rubbed his ass against Harry. He felt accomplished when he felt Harry tense his arms, and burry his head into the crook of Louis' neck.

"Don't do that, Lou." He whined and nibbled at his neck. "I'm too tired right now, I can't afford to have a stiffy."

"You can stuffy your stiffy in me."

Harry chuckled and fondly rolled his eyes, moving his hand down and rubbing his hand on Louis' front. "You're so cute, you know that?" He smiled and watched as Louis pulled away, strolling over to the bed and laying down.

"Come here, baby daddy." He held his arms out and the other complied by walking over and climbing on the bed, hovering over Louis. "Better." He smiled and grabbed the back of Harry's neck, pulling him down to kiss him.

Harry's hand glided down his boyfriends side then back up to comfort him as they kissed. When they pulled away, Harry smiled down at him then rolled to his side. "How about we sleep, hm? I feel like I'm gonna pass out."

"Okay." Louis grinned and immediately cuddled into Harry's side, his head laying on his chest.

"I love you,"

"I love you more."


Soooo--- a lot of people aren't happy with the mpreg choice but at the moment, I don't care. If you don't like it, you don't have to read. I'm tired of seeing people complain, shut the fuck up about it. I may sound mean but I don't care anymore. You don't have to complain about MY book. A lot of people enjoy this kind of stuff. Thank you to the people who support it though! I love you guys.

The books almost ending soon anyway. Going up to chapter 60 or 70. Sorry.

Love you guys. Bye.

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