Break Through

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I woke up the next morning by myself. Dre really slept on the couch. I got up and used the bathroom and brushed my teeth. after i walked into the kitchen to get something to drink and Dre was in there.

Emani: good morning.


Emani: so you gonna ignore me too?

Dre: i dont know do you love me?


Dre: thats what i thought.

He walked out the kitchen and went into his room. when he came back out he was fully dressed and about to walk through the door. He stopped and looked at me like he was going to say something but he shook his head and kept on walking. i was in the house alone and i knew dre wasnt coming home until later on tonight. Now im fed the fuck up with my damn self. This isn't who I am. What happened with James shouldn't effect me with anybody else. I hopped in the shower and then put on one of dre's shirts and my Addidas slippers and made my way upstairs to my apartment. I walked into my walk in closet and picked out a pair of ripped true religion jeans, red bottoms, and a plain black crop top. I put my hair into a high ponytail and popped on some lip gloss. I went to mall and bought myself an all black trench coat. Then i went to the liquor store and bought a bottle of henny. Tonight would be the night I made my come back. no more scared Emani.


One of the boys on the block: Yea man so wassup with it. I see you doing your thing but you wanna make some extra cash doing some work for my boss?

Dre: nah marki fine right where i am. I dont think i need the extra.

Mark: Well lemme know man and ill always hook you up with something if you need the extra cash for anything.

Dre: i just don't wanna get myself into something i can't back out of. I don't wanna be stuck doing something i don't like and niggas gotta shoot me cause they think imma snitch.

Mark: nah man it aint even like that. only time you would ever get confronted like that is if the boys randomly roll up on us on some shit. Other than that if you ready to bounce then you can go. Man if i was you i would do it. just to bring home some extra bread for the bank account or for the girl or something.

Dre: Man i dont even think imma have a girl anymore.

Mark: damn man what happen?

Dre: she's just not the same anymore. I mean she's been through a lot of shit and i'm really tryna be there for her but she just won't let me. She won't even say i love you when say it to her. and you know i dont say that shit to just anybody. Im thinking of calling it a quits and just staying to myself man.

Mark: damn man well its all up to you but lemme know how that goes. dont give up on her too fast tho.

Dre: idk man. but imma go finish these plays and then head home. imma see you later Man.

Emani POV

Once i got back to My apartment building i dropped off all the stuff i had for tonight with Dre and went upstairs to my own apartment. I took off the clothes i had on but kept on my red bottoms. i put on the trench coat and made my way downstairs. Once inside Dre's apartment i placed the candles all over the house and made a rose petal trail to the bathroom. I placed the henny on the sink and 2 glasses next to it. It was around 7 and i knew that Dre would be home in about an hour and he would obviously be hungry. I cooked up some pork chops, steamed vegetables, and white rice. we would drink a little soda and head for the tub and drink the henny. I had bought an extra bottle of henny for myself and had already started drinking it. tonight would be one hell of a night. By the time i was ready and sitting at the table waiting it was 8:00. At 8:12 Dre was coming through the door. He put his bag down next to the door and walked into the kitchen.

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