Warm Hugs {Aoba }

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(Y/N) had been shivering for the last hour and it was preventing her from sleeping. It was around the middle of January and unfortunately, that was when the days were freezing cold and the nights were even worse. (Y/N) seemed to be a bringer of misfortune for at that time, her heater had broken down and left her house to stand as an igloo. 

Of course she tried to call and have it repaired, but the price for it was outrageous so she decided to stick it out and just save up to have it repaired. So for now, she's enduring the harsh winter nights but she doesn't know how much longer she can go on with shivering like a chihuahua every sleepless night. 

And because of the lack of sleep each night, her mood also turned icy. She had bags under her eyes and had became less energetic, but more irritable and snappy. People would often find the (h/c) girl dozing off from time to time at work and seemed to not be able to pay attention, also hallucinating sometimes. 

This behavior didn't go unnoticed by a certain blue haired male. He took an instant notice to his girlfriend's attitude changes when he had asked her what she wanted to eat for lunch, to which she retorted by lashing out at him and saying something like "Are you saying I'm fat because I eat all the time?! Listen here Seragaki, I can do whatever the heck I want and I don't need to hear any of your sass!"

Aoba was confused beyond words and a bit stunned at her new change of personality, but then took notice to the tired look she wore on a daily basis and figured out the synopsis. (Y/N) also then confessed after apologizing many times for being so cruel to her boyfriend who in returned just smiled at her and said that he'll help with her problem.

And so, as (Y/N) laid in bed still freezing, Aoba slept calmly and soundlessly beside her. He proposed that he could sleep over at her house to share his body warmth with her to keep her from freezing to death until she gets her heater fixed. 

But currently, Aoba was faced the other way and slept like a baby, which made (Y/N) jealous because the man could sleep with no problem at all while she was suffering. 

(Y/N) turned her head to look at the back of Aoba's head then reached out to grasp the back of his shirt and tugged gently. "Pst, Aoba." She whispered softly then frowned when she got no response. Her hand tugged on his shirt with a bit more strength and she spoke with a little bit more volume in her voice. "Aoba." Again, no response. 

Curse this boy for being such a heavy sleeper. (Y/N) thought to herself gloomily as she let go of his clothing. Then, an idea popped into her head. Good night sleep, here I come. She thought to herself in determination as she moved the blanket away from her body and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She winced when her feet came into contact with the ice cold floor. "Why didn't I get carpet put here?" She mumbled to herself as she forced herself out of bed and shuffled around to Aoba's side. 

(Y/N) smiled at the sight of the sleeping blue head, his face looked so relax and his mouth was just slightly open. She knelt down in front of him and instinctively reached out to caress his face. The ghost of her fingertips over his cheek caused him to stir but not wake up. 

"You have no idea how much I love you, idiot." She muttered sleepily and glanced down at his arms. She hesitated a bit before moving forward, grasping the blanket and peeling it back slowly then lifted one of Aoba's arms and slipped herself in between them. She pulled the blanket over them once more and let Aoba's arm rest over her shoulders as she snuggled her face into his chest. (Y/N) sighed in content and relief when she felt the warmth radiating off his body. 

And in an instant, she began to feel the familiar feeling of sleep that she missed overtake her. But just as she was about to fly off into dreamland, she felt arms tightening around her body and pulled her closer. A pair of lips touched the top of her head. "I love you too." Aoba breathed out softly, giving her one last squeeze before falling back to sleep along with (Y/N).

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