Feel Me. {Noiz}

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"Are you kidding me? You got into another Rhyme battle? I thought you promised you wouldn't do that anymore!" An angry (Y/N) was currently lecturing her injured boyfriend who held a stoic facial expression as usual.

"I didn't promise anything. Who cares anyway, I won." (Y/N)'s eyebrow twitched slightly at the blonde boy's comment. "Who cares? I do. Noiz, you can't keep involving yourself in these Rhyme battles because you keep getting hurt--"

"So what? Why do you care anyway?" Noiz had an annoyed expression on his face as his eyes narrowed at the girl in front of him, who looked as if she was about to blow her top. Which she was.

"I'm your girlfriend! Of course I care about you! Just look at yourself. Just-- Let's forget about it and let me help you--" (Y/N) lightly grabbed onto the sleeve of Noiz's shirt but her hand was roughly slapped away by the blonde.

"Don't touch me." He snapped at her, (Y/N) in mild shock at his sudden words. "I don't need your help. I can't feel anything anyway, so just mind your own business." And with that, he roughly brushed past her and made his way upstairs. (Y/N) was left shocked and hurt by what had just happened. Why didn't he want her to help him? She knew about his inability to feel pain-- or anything for that matter so she shouldn't be surprised. But still, why did it hurt when he said that? Doesn't he trust her?

Her eyes began to sting but she refused to let any tears fall. She heaved out a loud sigh before returning to doing what she was doing before this.


It's been one whole week since their little spat and things have become awkward; they communicated less and Noiz tended to be out more than usual, which worried (Y/N) to no ends. But of course, she didn't want to say anything having been constantly reminded of what happened.

But one day when he came home, she couldn't help but say something.

It was around 2 am when the blonde boy stumbled through the front door and (Y/N) just so happened to be standing in the right spot and was able to catch him before he fell face first onto the ground. "N-Noiz..! Hey, what happened to you? Are you okay?" (Y/N)'s voice sounded panicked and she struggle to hold her boyfriend up.

"I'm... fine." He was barely awake and he spoke ever so softly. His body was littered with scratches and bruises, clothes ripped up and blood dripped from the side of his head. "What happened?!"

"Rhyme..." "Noiz? Noiz! Hey! Stay up!" (Y/N) cursed under her breath as she pivoted around and moved up the stairs into their shared bathroom while carefully holding the blonde boy up.

They eventually made it into the bathroom and (Y/N) carefully sat Noiz on the toilet seat while she rushed to get the first aid kit from under the sink. Luckily, he wasn't injured bad enough that he needed to be sent to the hospital, but he was still beat up pretty badly.

"Noiz, stay awake for me. Can you do that? Keep your eyes on me." (Y/N) pressed an alcohol soaked cloth to Noiz's temple gently, the blonde wincing which was almost unnoticeable. (Y/N) continued to work silently while Noiz watched her every movement. She wrapped a bandage around his head and tied a small knot before standing up. "There. That should do it. I have some painkillers if you want."

"Don't need them." (Y/N) bit her lip before nodding her head and turning away. "Right. You can't feel anything." She began to pack up the first-aid kit and put it back where it came from, while Noiz remained frozen in his spot as his eyes were still kept on (Y/N).

As she stood back up, she paused as well. She had a crazy thought and wondered how Noiz would react to it. She turned her head to glance at the blonde, who returned her gaze. (Y/N) hesitated before walking over to stand before Noiz then knelt down in front of him. She slowly reached out to grab his hands that were resting on his lap and was surprised when he didn't push her away. Instead, he gave her small hands a light squeeze.

(Y/N) gulped before speaking. "I know you can't feel anything. I know you don't like being touched. I know that whenever people do something nice for you, you expect to repay them. Even me. I knew all of this before we decided to start this relationship." She moved up so that they were eye level with each other and that their faces were a couple of inches apart. "But, I still love you. I care about you. And I'm-- I'm just hoping that you can feel that when I do this."

"What are you--" (Y/N) cut him off by leaning in and pressing her lips against his. She poured every emotion she felt for him in that kiss; love, passion, want, and anything else. It only took a couple of seconds before Noiz responded to the kiss, wrapping his arms around (Y/N)'s waist while her hands were tangled in his blonde locks. It was, unbelievably, their first kiss ever since they began dating.

And it was amazing. All those things movies portrayed whenever the main character has their first kiss-- or the kiss with someone special-- it was true. Both Noiz and (Y/N) felt it.

But sadly, they had to part for they were running out of oxygen. They were still close enough that the tips of their noses were touching. Nothing was said between the two, they just gazed into each other's eyes. But after a while, Noiz broke the silence. 

"I'm sorry for getting angry at you. I'll try to ease off of playing Rhyme for a while." (Y/N) smiled gently before leaning forward and pecking his lips, causing Noiz to smile slightly as well.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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